Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] may have " in BNC.

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1 Towards the end of his life he told Osbert Sitwell ; ‘ Any talent I may have was due to a long illness as a boy , which afforded me time to think , and subsequent ill-health , because I was not allowed to play games , and so had to teach myself , for my enjoyment , to use my eyes instead of my feet . ’
2 Many families have only one car which may have to be reserved for the use of the nurse 's spouse and others have no car at all .
3 This was achieved by a religious ritual which may have stemmed from one in which the original parricides mutilated themselves ( and especially the organ which was responsible for their incestuous desires ) out of remorse and guilt at what they had done and in mourning for the primal father .
4 These three trends combined to form a more environmental physical geography which may have been late but hopefully not too late .
5 It is a schism which may have contributed to the stalled development of GaAs as an alternative in digital technology .
6 Dilnot and Kell felt that any ‘ incentive ’ effect which may have been present could only account , at most , for 1.2bn or 3% of the total increase in tax revenues over the period studied .
7 A further explanation could be that rats have a small ductular component of bile secretion which may have been the primary target of the observed response , as evidenced by the increase in biliary bicarbonate output observed in the canine studies .
8 The growth of tree roots and their penetration and enlargement of incipient rock fractures can contribute significantly to the break-up of rock which may have experienced relatively little weakening through chemical alteration .
9 There was a small top storey , a room on the flat roof which may have functioned as a sleeping place on hot summer nights : there were similar roof chambers on Egyptian houses too .
10 Contemporary estimates for the period 1692 – 98 put the number of placemen at between 97 and 136 ( to which would have to be added receivers of unreported Crown pensions or bribes ) , a figure which may have risen to 200 by 1714 .
11 If an estate agent is convicted under the act the client does not automatically have a right of action in civil proceedings for loss which may have been brought about as a result of the offence .
12 If you do n't have a pond you may have missed out on our series on waterlilies .
13 As a result you may have very little or no self-esteem .
14 Detectives , who have not ruled out foul play , want to trace the driver of a dark-coloured car who may have spoken to the victim shortly before he was injured .
15 Go to a golf club you may have just the golf secretary .
16 If you go to an estate agent you may have two people to help you out .
17 Police hunting the killers of security guard , Ron Letts , are trying to trace a vital witness who may have seen what happened .
18 The man was being treated as a witness who may have information about Moira 's disappearance .
19 The man was being treated as a witness who may have had information to give them concerning Moira 's disappearance .
20 The man interviewed in Doncaster was being treated as a witness who may have information about Moira 's disappearance .
21 ‘ A stupid priest who may have been a secret Templar and had access to hidden knowledge . ’
22 Sometime in the near future you may have to go for an interview and therefore you will be asking yourself the following questions :
23 In your mind you may have to start from the beginning of the paradigm and go down until you arrive at the form you need at the moment .
24 Paradoxically , however , although over the years you may have been contributing many thousands of pounds to the Inland Revenue , in practice you may have had very little direct contact with the tax system .
25 In your professional practice you may have to carry out important and complex work , such as the writing of a critical report , in the noise of a factory or with a bulldozer working outside the window of your office .
26 Erm the advantage that schools has er have sorry , over the other products , is that if you went to a medical practice you may have four or five doctors to help you out .
27 However , the other aspect is that if you go to a medical practice you may have four or five doctors to help you out .
28 On the one hand , you have the country 's premier club in the process of spending a small fortune to reconstruct an ageing team : on the other , a Second Division side thriving on young , home-grown talent who may have to be sold to Liverpool and other members of the wealthy elite .
29 Unless you take a different view , our own preference would be to pursue the question of a travelling display as actively as we can , recognising , however , that if it does not prove feasible for reasons of finance and other resources to mount such a display in the foreseeable future we may have to fall back on the reduced-size Barrel Vault display .
30 The separation also resolves the problem of remorse when we tax ourselves about an unphilosophical action we may have taken .
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