Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] could get " in BNC.

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1 Details of DEA operations in Lebanon , cross-checked with whatever feedback I could get from my guys over there .
2 ‘ And marriage itself might have been a useful bit of insurance for Gustav : her relatives or guardians would have been less likely to inform on her husband than on some passing stranger who could get his trousers open in Olympic time . ’
3 So we concentrated on the pleasure we could get for nothing .
4 But the sellers were not normally asking the maximum wage which the traffic would bear and offering in return the minimum quantity of labour they could get away with .
5 In the event , Ramsay himself made the most useful contributions to the debate , with the young Steward and Moray backing him , the Regent out of his depth and almost pathetically grateful for any guidance he could get .
6 He seems to have possessed an ingenuous self-assurance which could get him into difficulties and arouse antagonism .
7 I did all those movies because they were the only work I could get , ’ Nicholson said in a frank assessment of his next few years of acting roles on the fringes of Hollywood , appearing almost entirely in low-cost , quickly made horror films , and what were then called teenage exploitation pictures , mostly with Roger Corman .
8 Unlike the other actors — they 'd been in the business much longer than I had — I had no idea what work I could get .
9 ‘ I am not going to get into what kind of therapy she might find herself in , but clearly she would need all the help she could get from whatever source was available .
10 Charity knew she was n't going to look gorgeous no matter what she did , and deciding she needed all the help she could get to lure in those tips that might hold off personal bankruptcy for three months , she had purchased the skirt and shirt — with six other summery , playful outfits that she would probably never be able to wear again as long as she lived .
11 On Wednesdays the mistress was in such a good mood you could get away with anything .
12 In celebration , I 'm told you shot off every flare you could get your hands on .
13 I had moved a table into a big window , for I foresaw that we should need all the help we could get from the view .
14 lean burn we could get close
15 While this obviously placed great limitations on the evidence available to social anthropologists it also spared them.the problems of trying to find out what help they could get from documentary sources .
16 They would need all the help they could get from beach surveys and marker canoes , so 50 Combined Operations Assault Pilotage Parties ( COPPs ) were proposed .
17 He needed all the help he could get .
18 Of course , he had known they would use the Microwave Gun on him ; they always did when he was up in front of somebody , whenever he was at a disadvantage anyway and needed all the help he could get , whenever he was going for an interview for a job , or being asked things by the Social security people or even clerks in the Post Office .
19 Palaeo-biological precedent dictated such an organ be housed in Gavin 's ample rear , and have responsibility for his lower limbs — not to say urges — rather than his arms , but then one never knew , and I reckoned Gavin 's modest forebrain — doubtless fully occupied with the post-modernist sub-texts and tertiary structuralist imagery of Red Heat — could probably do with all the help it could get .
20 Ralph Williams is just 39 and for 30 of those years , he 's bought every ancient tractor or old machine he could get his hands on .
21 Her gaze was dark , and hinted at some impossibly deep sense of pain ; and for a moment Lucy felt a certain regret , if not shame , at the way that she seemed to be ready to manipulate any situation for whatever advantage she could get .
22 Rachel decided she needed all the good luck she could get .
23 One of their friends was a medium , and once a month those of their group who could get there would assemble at her flat in south London for a seance .
24 The longest period for which her mother was left alone was for three hours and Mrs Cahuac worked close by so that should anything happen to her mother during this period she could get home quickly .
25 The pictures however did n't seem to be of artistes of any kind ; they were just of anonymous , handsome young men , the sort of photographs that Boy had seen in barber 's windows showing the kinds of haircut you could get .
26 Any cake they could get hold of he advised them to eat .
27 A cat showing a mouse a bit of cheese to see what reaction he could get .
28 He did n't want a job that 's what he had said he wanted to have time out he did n't want a job he could get a job when he wanted to , he ca n't now turn round and blame it on
29 ‘ I have calculated that selling the girdles at normal price — and in Leningrad this day I could get double the normal price at least — but at normal price I could still retire at the end of one day 's work .
30 I repeated my fruitless exercise at the end of October , and again at the end of November , when I finally relented and paid the cheapest price I could get .
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