Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] go [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But that one was and I heard a year ago but I never saw it till the bus driver I went with some years ago up to John O'Groats .
2 ‘ When a show in town catches my fancy I go to it .
3 A. M. I went into Lime Street one night at ten o'clock and found a crowd of lads on the corner of Skelhorne Street coming out of the pub .
4 It is particularly unpleasant to us to be so frequently separated , but of course my going with him is out of the question ; he will sleep under a tent all the time . ’
5 Well do you know , when I met , I , I 'm meeting old chaps through this very excellent marriage agency , I 've never expected any thing like it , they are marvellous , and the sent me a nice old lad , but I knew I was onto a looser when he said , of course I go to my daughter-in-law every Saturday for lunch , she absolutely insists because she says , she wants to make sure that I 'm eating properly , now this is a very healthy old man with a very good income who could afford to buy any food he wants and the fact of the matter is his that he 's son is probably not , he does n't want to upset his old dad , and it 's handy to have him to come on Saturday for lunch and be done with it as it were , but I thought surely Bernard your own sense would tell you that nobody want 's their old father and father-in-law every Saturday of their life , for lunch oh .
6 Some nerve , and of course I went for it .
7 Well that course I went on you know , there was er , there were , there were , there 'd be about twelve in the class and there were two young women in the class
8 Being the only girl in a family of seven was bad enough but there were no other girls anywhere near my age in our local area either , though of course I went to an all-girl convent school .
9 But they still worked it that if you were working , of course I went to the Ministry of Supply
10 So then , of course I went to the Euro M P .
11 That afternoon I went to the café at Fagurhólsmýri and bought a pair of Tuf workman boots .
12 One afternoon I went to the Chelsea Hotel , to see the 1990 Tarum , shown with hats designed by Philip Somerville .
13 After graduating from Mainz University I went over there for three years as a lab assistant , first at Dounreay then at Calder Hall .
14 For my work experience I went to the local primary school where I was a classroom helper with the reception class .
15 It sounds strange but at Easter I went to Paris for the weekend .
16 Mummy me go in it
17 There 's none none that can say , It 's no good me going in the schools one .
18 Whatever club I go to , I 'll have to do it .
19 But honestly this slimming club I go to , honestly it 's really good .
20 Oh they , on the last interview I went to they said you no need to have had experience
21 Straight after I got out of my car I went to Alain to apologise but he did n't want to accept .
22 ‘ On the new album I went to extremes , and for each song I had two or three complete lead breaks worked out for every solo , prior to actually going in to make the album .
23 ‘ There 's a Scottish guy in this bakery I go to and he tells me they love me in Scotland .
24 But it is so poorly executed , muddled in its narrative and just plain old-fashioned dull that the screening I went to was soon humming with critical snores .
25 so it er , it were running alright then , and er I took it for a spin I went round the block , up Robin Hood Way
26 It may have sounded like good fun , and obviously was for many young people , but this pleasurable diversion had a very serious side which went beyond romance .
27 Knitters who have machines with a mirror image facility could use this technique to match up patterns at the centre , but remember that you lose the two centre stitches plus the one on each side which goes under the band — it would never do to have two ducks without heads facing one another , would it !
28 Baldwin and most Conservatives also felt that they needed MacDonald ( and the guise of being a National administration which went with his name ) for electoral reasons .
29 The SDLP delegation which went to Stormont included councillors Alasdair McDonnell , Alex Attwood , Dorita Field and Martin Morgan .
30 It 's a fight against all that dehumanises , blocks and blights those who are made in God 's image and do n't know their God-given potential in the present and in a future which goes beyond the grave .
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