Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [noun] were " in BNC.

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1 As I kissed her there ( quickly , in case my parents were looking ) , I was lulled , and calm .
2 As an undergraduate my sympathies were with the Left , with the Republicans in Spain , with the anti-Fascists in Italy and Germany , but always with a nearly corresponding hostility to the extremes of political thought on the other side .
3 Well my typewriter my typewriter were going funny it really was .
4 With the first weeks of College my illusions were shattered .
5 Despite a flaring anger at this impertinence her eyes were drawn to the strong column of his throat as he swallowed .
6 But this particular extract is useful for another reason , in that it shows , through the sub-plots which appear within it , the range of issues provoked by the research which respondents were sensitive about .
7 They swarmed like lice over the camp , and there was a battle being waged at the boat which men were trying to push out of the shallows whilst others held off the beasts .
8 He attempted it once at St Mungo 's tomb , in the crypt of the cathedral , to whose depths they had finally descended together ; as a rule their outings were to Glasgow Green , if it was fine , or if it rained , the sitting-room , with Ellen the maid in constant attendance .
9 This was heresy , or at least beyond his comprehension Erica could see the effect her words were having .
10 two pints , two pints of beer before lunch mind you times were hard , that 's why I did n't bother having any thing , I always went home weekends and got stocked up and every thing , every other one we got boarders in
11 The country with the largest single vote in the IMF , the largest recipient of OPEC funds and the key issuer of international money was being run by a president whose attentions were more and more focused on saving his own skin .
12 Tennyson was a poet whose emotions were so deeply suppressed , even from himself , that they emerged as " the blackest melancholia " .
13 What it felt like to be on the receiving end of such operations and the hammering which the landscape endured in those early years of the nineteenth century are painfully conveyed by another poet whose roots were in the East Midlands .
14 And a famous , ancient legend of kung fu relates that a Buddhist monk named Bodhidharma , crossed the Himalayas on foot to arrive at a half-ruined monastery whose monks were in a terrible state of health ; Bodhidharma , through a series of health-giving exercises based upon some Indian systems of yoga brought the monks from their emaciated state to a condition of youthful vitality .
15 Mr Crump was , in fact , an extremely able , shrewd , exploitative and successful businessman and lawyer whose weaknesses were an over-fondness for his wife and an utter doting on their daughter .
16 She lifted her multi-petticoated skirts and walked down with as much grace as she could manage , playing the part of Cinderella at her first ball , prevented from any sudden movement by the flattering silken wig whose curls were interlaced with pearls and fell in tumbling ringlets on to one breast .
17 Perhaps they had attended the same college : the college whose colours were cerise and silver .
18 At all events , there could be no doubt that the courtyard pictured in the next photograph , the fifth on the film , belonged to the Oxford college whose colours were cerise and silver and whose past bound three people to their parallel fates .
19 Despite Citrine 's attempt to settle this issue by firmly rejecting the proposal , this organisational option still had many advocates within the industry whose views were to surface in later years .
20 ‘ He was a new name taking over a side whose fans were expecting big things .
21 There was even solid , respectable-like Bonanza whose heroes were like unto Saints .
22 Charles Fenn , the American OSS agent whose instructions were to disregard Franco-Vietnamese politics and re-establish an intelligence rescue network , reckons that the three months after the Japanese coup were perhaps the most significant in Ho 's career .
23 Like many students the world over , the young Reagan was not overly committed to academic work ; both at school and college his grades were mediocre and his principal preoccupations were sport and drama .
24 On the continent his troupes were popular in Germany and had regular bookings at the Paris Olympia and the Casino de Paris .
25 He paused to consider the effect his words were having .
26 He paused to see what effect his words were having .
27 Surere stopped , to see what effect his words were having on Huy .
28 And by that criterion his shows were highly successful .
29 For his contempt in abetting such an action his temporalities were distrained until he did prefer the royal clerk — such a humiliation that it was said to have occasioned his death .
30 Paige sensed he was looking at her , but her mind was centred totally on the pleasure his fingers were creating .
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