Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [be] [that] " in BNC.

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1 In chapter thirty Hilton 's analysis of the process of reformation of feeling comes to a climax as he brings together the implications of his analysis and imagery in a synthesis embodying his full sense of the process of contemplative life as lived discovery of the meaning of the Incarnation.The experience of the darkness reveals to the soul its essence which is that its being does not inhere in the dimensions of time : " for soule is no body bot a lif vnseable " ( 30.102r. – 252 ) and has its own mode of knowing that is not entirely dependent on bodily senses or imagination .
2 There is an inherent danger in all this for our clothing industry which is that , unless manufacturers wake up , there will continue to be far more opportunity for European merchandise to come here , and little for ours to get elsewhere .
3 I 've heard you selling the guy that showed you these two manifestos one by the Tories and one by the Labour and the one that stuck in my mind it 's that the Labour Party will have a minimum wage to comply with the rest of Europe .
4 What an indictment it is that people wholly dependent on the state pension , with no other source of income , are now almost automatically eligible for income support .
5 ‘ If there was a problem with this piece it is that it is not unique ’ , said Millerand .
6 good grief what is that I wonder ?
7 Now of course it would depend very much on and whether you were in a drought situation as we were until last year or whether it 's like we 've been over this last summer and early winter which is that virtually not a day has passed without we 've had some rain , in which case obviously the roof is going to get cleaned up very much quicker but I have to say that although I 've always been under the impression that it 's not a good idea to save water off a new felt roof er because of deposits that come off the mineral felt .
8 Now they have brought forward a plan which is that they should lend me sufficient money to rent another house in which Mr Landor is to have the first floor , comprising three rooms , a book closet , and a terrace , and I am to reside on the ground floor and care for him receiving £30 a year for my trouble .
9 Because wha we 're talking about a very age old attitude which is that a mother and a father and their children ar , is the correct unit , should stay together , at least until the children are grown up and probably well beyond ?
10 To conclude I think that we should go along rather than hope sort of an aspect of Conservative philosophy which is that people should be encouraged to earn money and they should be encouraged to save money and that therefore in this case this means proposing this Conservative motion , though I hope they will actually have the common sense to withdraw it .
11 ‘ The mystery of the coming of a new creature is a great mystery ad incomprehensible , Mrs Virginsky , and what a pity it is that you do n't understand it . '
12 What a pity it is that the US government negotiating teams are allowed to give the impression that progress in the world trade negotiations is being held up solely by the intransigence of European farmers .
13 What a lasting pity it is that Sir Julien himself , so passionately devoted to the game , was such an abysmally poor performer .
14 What a pity it is that clients trust their dealers .
15 ‘ Oh , I was just thinking what a pity it is that all good-looking men are such beasts , ’ she said , with more real feeling than she intended .
16 What a pity it was that he should have to live in that depressing room .
17 Dr Neil put his head on one side and said gravely , ‘ You must learn not to be impudent to the Master , McAllister — it really will not do , ’ but she knew by his manner that he was not serious , and she thought again what a pity it was that the ugly scar so spoiled and distorted his face .
18 For you know I often wonder what sort of morality it is that keeps men from anything but superficial intercourse with any woman but their wives : yet I hate adultery & all the intermediate stages ; and what men of free habits in this way I have known , I have detested .
19 Only a desperate battle with the intruder prevented her becoming the seventh victim of the molester who was that at the top of the Melbourne police ‘ most wanted ’ list .
20 ‘ I want to want ’ , the underground man 's lonely cry , is also his though he does n't utter it , and biting the governor 's car , like sticking the tongue out , is a one-against-all drumming of the heels of consciousness — but again with a difference which is that the biting extends beyond the notional ; it happens and it hurts , though it 's a minor foray compared with Raskolnikov 's spectacular eruption into actuality with the murder .
21 Even so , there is one essential difference which is that the determinant factor is specified in advance of testing by economic theory .
22 Yes , this is , this is , this er Who 's picking up Laura 's point which is that you get all the contractual arrangements er er done , but I mean it does n't mean you ca n't have the ritual , be it dressed with , you know , er a long
23 On closer inspection there was quite a muddle between ‘ Chinese imperialism ’ and ‘ Vietminh military operations ’ , but it seems to have been an elementary mistake to base the assessment entirely on capability rather than intention , which the paper admitted , and was an extraordinary foundation for Rusk 's conclusion which was that : ‘ Above all , we can not afford to jeopardise the considerable measure of success our policy has already had in Indo-China by neglecting to provide the proper maintenance for our investment . ’
24 I think one thing that we 've got to do is Dave 's post one is that it 's got to be eye levelled and C P O's right ?
25 Erm as to the assertion that Harrogate wants office jobs and not industrial jobs , and I think the main point there is that we we 're simply trying to achieve jobs to meet the needs of our resident workforce .
26 Erm but the point there is that restraints were observed .
27 I think the difference there is that we 're talking about we 're not talking inners and outers there , we 're talking about or certainly in terms of the consultation that we 've undertaken on the western route , it 's been different variations of a western route , there is n't an equivalent of a of an inner route for the for the western side .
28 The more Jack was in demand , as a lecturer , teacher , and man of letters , the more danger there was that Warnie would be thrown back on his own society or , worse , on that of Mrs Moore .
29 I did n't see what kind of weapon it was that caused the injury . ’
30 Despite her alleged impatience to hear about his experiences during the pay-off , she made no attempt to refer to it again , launching instead into a blow-by-blow account of a film she had seen the previous evening , going on to explain that she loved films , really loved them , that the only place to see them properly was the cinema , that her favourite was a wonderful old place in the centre of town called the Minerva , and what a shame it was that no one went to the cinema any more .
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