Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [indef pn] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That 'd be a clever trick for someone who 's just been blown up . ’
2 The problem is that although the beliefs and feelings are " always concerned with matters at the heart and root of existence " — which does suggest or give opportunity for something which is not just subjective in interpretation — it tends to subsume the religious view of life under what we might call a humanist umbrella .
3 Her wide blue eyes focused on his face and then blurred as a safety defence for something she did n't want to see .
4 The catalyst for everything which had happened had been Simon , she brooded .
5 Cadfael could not choose but feel some sympathy for one whose dubious but daring enterprise had come full circle , and now threatened him with disgrace and punishment ; all the more as Cadfael himself had just been spared a possibly similar exposure .
6 Now I 'm lucky , I have four children no problems as such , and I have great sympathy for anyone who goes through all this to have a child !
7 With regard to the vote in the House of Commons on the proposed European committee of the regions , although I can have no sympathy for anyone who votes with the Tory Government I can understand the SNP 's attempts at embracing reality and moving towards the concept of Europe of the regions .
8 As it is , Bernard has no intention of trading in his guitar for anything you might see in a Kraftwerk video .
9 The bond of liege homage posed a further difficulty for one who was sovereign in his own right : how could the king of England perform services to the king of France which ran counter to his own previous alliances ?
10 The world 's second oldest league is celebrated in a new book that is an essential purchase for anyone who loves the game 's nuances .
11 To argue as some opponents of Wages for Housework do ( Phillips and Wallsgrove , 1978 ) that there should be ‘ adequate payment for everyone who wants to work in these collective childcare facilities ’ while opposing any payment for mothers looking after their own children at home is astonishing .
12 It may be if the trustees pay the 35 per cent rate less the tax credit the Revenue will agree to apply the concession treating the entire payment as one which has borne tax as required by B18 but the situation does not come within the wording of B18 .
13 By broadening our view of quality from the early days , we 've come to realise its importance as the framework for everything we do . ’
14 ‘ By broadening our view of quality from the early days , we 've come to realise its importance as the framework for everything we do . ’
15 For her ability , her kindness and her enthusiasm for everything she did she will be remembered .
16 Your orders are clear and sensible and without arrogance , and you have a great enthusiasm for everything you do . ’
17 The second was the enthusiasm for something which can be — depending on the individual — a love of wisdom ( philosophy ) , the English ( anglophile ) , or postage stamps ( philatelist ) .
18 Naturally , this supplied local bubble-brains with material for a whole week of wild rumour and exaggeration : believe me , when it comes to whipping up moralistic hysteria about something they knock full all about , daft nationalists are hard to beat .
19 First , again , Nozick relies on the argument , internalist or not , to provide the independent support for something which would otherwise look like a counter-intuitive consequence of his theory .
20 When another person indicates support for something you have said , build on that alliance by acknowledging their contribution : ‘ Bill 's made a very good point there ’ , and , if appropriate , back them up ( 'and what I think is also relevant' or ‘ I 'd like to add to what he said by …
21 While I confess that when it comes to Ovation roundback instruments I 've never really seen what the fuss was about , I 've always had a sneaking admiration for anyone who uses them .
22 I have tremendous admiration for anyone who has spent a lifetime in the mining industry , especially at the coalface .
23 I did n't like being called a rowdie , but then I did n't exactly have the time or resources to sue for defamation , if that 's the legal terminology for someone who slags you off in public .
24 Bread and cheese is left in the kitchen for anyone who is hungry during the night .
25 We shall accept full responsibility for everything we do .
26 Either way , it 's a shocking lot of money for something which never began to live up to its pre-launch hype .
27 ‘ But it 's a lot of money for something which has been lying dead for twelve years . ’
28 For example to categorise the Bromley decision as one which has a ‘ hidden notion of proportionality , ’ requiring a balance between the benefits to transport users against the burdens to ratepayers , does not resolve any of the crucially difficult issues in the case .
29 Colourful and with good artwork , this would make an appropriate Christmas present for anyone who has laughed with the RAF at some time .
30 The Western book would be a magnificent present for anyone who likes the genre because it is not only a comprehensive guide to the films and film-makers , but also to the cultural background .
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