Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [pers pn] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 No , I thought she were giving them a pound and then taking change off them , she were getting change off them or summat were n't she .
2 But he this was a week and a half ago and he said , give me a couple of weeks , I want to have a look at the figures and the mix and have a think about it and I 'll come back to you .
3 and er we do all the cooking between us and my , my sons they have a disco and all that they get
4 She designed a T-shirt for them and has written their anthem Children of the 90s .
5 This scheme is fully explained in the leaflet ‘ Protection for you and your family ’ .
6 This scheme is fully explained in the leaflet ‘ Protection for You and Your Family ’ .
7 See a solicitor as soon as possible if you are thinking of divorce or separation , or if you need money or protection for you or your children .
8 Obviously they do n't need the same kind of money , but her like they do n't get a do n't get a grant for her or her brother ,
9 Jean Cocteau recognized it , although there was no personal sympathy between them and Jean Cocteau was deeply involved in the avant-garde .
10 Since a residence order was in substance what the foster mother sought , it was agreed between counsel for her and the local authority : ( a ) that the local authority would not object to the foster mother 's application for a residence order being made before the expiry of the six months period ; ( b ) that the hearing before the judge should be treated as the hearing of that application ; ( c ) that if , in the event , the foster mother were to be given leave to apply for a residence order she would agree to the formal dismissal of her application for judicial review without any penalty as to costs ; but ( d ) that , if leave under the Act were to be refused , it would be open to the foster mother to continue the judical review proceedings .
11 There was a terrible resignation about it and a patience , and the pity of it slammed Taliesin at the base of his throat .
12 He felt his way along the narrow walk of the triforium to the distant end , close to the east window that showed a shapely pattern of starry lancets against the blackness ; and there he wrapped his cloak about him and huddled into the corner with his back against the wall .
13 And it 's an opportunity for her and me to say a couple of words to us , and for us certainly to thank her very much for her service .
14 I know it must seem an unnecessary fuss to you , Dana , but it 's a big opportunity for me and I want everything to be as perfect as possible , ’ she said urgently .
15 It was a marvellous opportunity for him but he was careless . ’
16 I appreciate the role of the PCC does not embrace ethics in internal communications , but it would surely be an interesting opportunity for you or one of your colleagues to speak about your work ?
17 The technique of getting them to supply the missing dialogue after a silent viewing of a scene provides a good opportunity for you and them to find out what language they have at their command and how flexibly they can use it .
18 ‘ This was a golden opportunity for us and we 've been kicked out because we were so powder puff up front .
19 I always find it the reddest of the brilliant stars , though there is not a great deal of colour-difference between it and Betelgeux ; the name ‘ Antares ’ means ‘ the Rival of Ares ’ ( Mars ) .
20 Perhaps this was why , increasingly , Henry saw life as a struggle between him and the things his wife cared for so passionately — whales , seals , Aborigines , dolphins …
21 In the struggle between them and the King 's Courts for jurisdiction over ecclesiastical property — the right to present a clergyman to a living , for instance — the King 's Courts were successful at an early time in getting and keeping the jurisdiction in their own hands .
22 The idea was that a 486 user would rush out to buy a new processor for her or his machine as they became available and this facility would mean the death of the 386 .
23 I said , ‘ If there is naught else in Paradise for me but this delight which I have in my own nature , no other blessing will I want and not even the houris and sugarcane of Paradise will divert me from it . ' ’
24 He joined her to say he would not be in the office that morning , a contact in the city had an exclusive story for him and they had arranged a meeting .
25 You 'll find that by and Larson , I 'll put that on the board for you and Larson nineteen eighty-six , found that managers only direct fifteen percent of their communication upwards , okay ?
26 This is a test case for him and he 's fallen at the first hurdle .
27 They had stopped off at home and packed a case for her and then they had stayed to help her settle in .
28 A decision between you and mademoiselle , perhaps . ’
29 Channelling all the pain of her loss into arguments to support her theory , she leapt on to the promise of provision for her and the baby , and to the sentence , ‘ I 'm sure he 'll turn out better than the other one . ’
30 This provided for arrangements to secure ransom money if necessary , to pool any gains of war and invest them profitably , and , if one left a widow , to make some provision for her and give some protection for surviving children .
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