Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Local councils like Mid-Glamorgan have been presenting plans to British Rail for close on two decades .
2 Three times the ball was spun out to the right and three times Claude Gerald left the North Midlands defence for dead with a stunning hat-trick of tries .
3 There was no hope for United after that but they battled on … and at least won back some of their lost pride with a goal from sub Paul Wanless …
4 The new RSDG , he said , would provide a framework for Gabonese of diverse political persuasions to prepare for a multiparty system , in a period of " responsible development " which would " comprise a transitional period of apprenticeship " .
5 In preparing the Bill and seeing it through Parliament , Jenkins had at his right hand Cunningham 's successor as Permanent Under Secretary of State , Sir Philip Allen .
6 Saltburn and District Round Table has won the Danish Axe Award for international Round Tabling and the National Press Award for publicity in recognition of its mercy work in Africa .
7 The developer of the area has offered the listed building for free to the Gallery , which must now raise the funds necessary for the restoration , estimated at £2 million .
8 A recent revival of enthusiasm for Gaelic among both lots of people is giving them a rare common interest .
9 This clause and the adoption in Wihtred 's laws of the West Saxon term gesith for noble in place of the eorlcund of the laws of Aethelberht , Hlothhere and Eadric perhaps strengthen a possibility that some degree of collaboration attended the drawing up of these codes .
10 The entrance to one at the east end of Loch Gorm , which can be seen when the water level is low , is rather puzzling and could as easily be the remains of a wall as a path to the island , particularly as when seen in those conditions there appear to be the walls of a square building on the south side about halfway to the island , and if the water level has been raised to improve the fishing it may not be a true crannog .
11 POLICE have spoken by telephone with the man who left his girlfriend for dead after a car crash in Cleveland .
12 It was a perfect start for new Aussie coach Royce Simmons and a bitter disappointment for Northern after their shock Yorkshire Cup win over Castleford .
13 Ossie O'Brien held the seat for Labour at the 1983 by-election but sat for only three months .
14 The seat had become vacant upon the death on May 27 of Eric Heffer [ see p. 38200 ] , who had held the seat for Labour since 1964 [ see p. 38200 ] and had won 64.2 per cent of the vote at the 1987 election .
15 In 1942 she married James Hoy who gained the Leith parliamentary seat for Labour in the 1945 general election .
16 In Croydon North West , alone among the Croydon constituencies , Malcolm Wicks won the seat for Labour from the Conservatives .
17 12.37 am , Plymouth Devonport : David Owen held the seat for Labour until defecting to the SDP in 1981 and he held on in 1983 and 1987 .
18 As Reg Underhill , he carried out the key role of national agent for Labour from 1972 to 1979 .
19 Giardia lamblia produces a wide spectrum of infection in man ranging from asymptomatic carriage through acute to persistent diarrhoea with intestinal malabsorption .
20 Also some political levy paying members may not join as individuals , although they remain ardent supporters of Labour and come out and work and vote for Labour at both national and local elections .
21 INDIA has long had terrorists who kill and maim to secure secession for various of its 25 states .
22 With a secure nest under Rank , and a distribution deal through Universal in the US , there was little contact with the marketplace , which could have driven the studio to search out new styles and new areas of subject matter .
23 The Labour Party Conference : Kinnock sets out policies to win power : Warmly-received conference speech seen as change of gear for Labour in run-up to general election
24 Those who believe that the family is a major force for good in our society should strive to move against this social trend .
25 Absolute trust is a great force for good in life .
26 But a far better early evening occupation is to watch the sky slip from pink through mauve to deepest purple and reflect on what you 're missing : the shop-till-you-drop malls of Singapore or another long night on the Jumbo .
27 Is there an alternative for Labour to the introspection of leadership contests and inquests ?
28 Mary Lennox had heard a great deal about Magic in her Ayah 's stories , and she always said what happened almost at that moment was Magic .
29 We moan a great deal about bad for contemporary music , but put on a big new Stockhausen piece in London and the likelihood is that you will fill that hall , provided you prepare it .
30 Imagine : I was a bit pissed for a start , the object of my complete love was nesting in my rear-view mirror , the corpulent groom — my best friend — who had spent three weeks pleasuring her in the Hellenic sunshine was sitting beside me with a clank of duty-free between his calves , I 'd lost my job , and the other drivers on the road were all tuning up for Formula One .
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