Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun prp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He scored a hat trick for Rotherham t' other day .
2 That is the struggle between Milton the poet and Milton the puritan .
3 We stepped into the cold marble hall and waited under a statue of George the Third masquerading as Alexander the Great .
4 New vicar for Saltburn The Rev. Ian Parkinson is to be the new vicar of Saltburn .
5 In an attempt to defend his position he secured election to Parliament for Bletchingley the following year and immediately introduced a bill , which was lost in committee , for the easier supply of saltpetre .
6 Rod Belfitt scored on his home debut for Everton the following day and Roger Kenyon got another , but it was Manchester City who left Goodison as victors 3-2 .
7 After her early support for Patten the Prime Minister , Mrs Thatcher , is said to have " lost interest " .
8 And you 're making applications for an occasional license for Saturday the twenty ninth of October to run the bar at Nell Gwyn village hall on behalf of the the village hall committee is that right ?
9 It 's significant too that , especially in the later Books , Nithard expresses increasing admiration for Louis the German .
10 The paper says Paul Gascoigne could be coming to Leeds United after his career in Italian football where he plays of course for Lazio the Rome based club .
11 The mist looked as though it had been created by the BBC special effects department for a studio play about Jack the Ripper , and yards away I could hear voices without being able to see the humans making the sound .
12 CISSY SALT AND FREDDY PEPPER in RING FOR ROBSON The Cheeriest Show in Town with Marion Conroy Bunty Baird Gilbert Forbes Jack Walker
13 He left Darlington Hockey Club for Norton a few seasons ago to improve his standard of play and his new club is currently lying fourth in the prestigious northern premier league .
14 The answer to the question ‘ who sold to Z ? ’ depends upon whether Y was a buyer and re-seller or whether he was merely an agent for X. The answer is not helped by the fact that people who are in fact buyers and resellers are often termed in the trade ‘ agents . ’
15 The truth behind the search for Ivan the Terrible 's fabled library
16 , I do n't think you 've got anything to worry about , have you seen that advert for Babycham no erm the advert with Babycham , erm , er running on about true romantics and he goes through all the differences his and this woman marrying this guy and she must be and she must be fifty five , and he 's about twenty three , twenty four and Rob turns round the other day and said , she 's got
17 The decision to go ahead with the press conference two days later was finalised ; Pons edited a note alerting his staff to this effect , called Jones on the phone to reconfirm the joint submission for Friday the 24th but , according to Jones , said nothing about the press conference planned for the day before nor of the 11 March submission by Pons to the Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry .
18 English Nature is discussing with the London borough of Greenwich the adoption of a management plan for the wood .
19 Erm , originally is was sung in Latin , in the time of the Stuarts , and then , an er , after the exile of James the Second , and English version appeared .
20 It was to satisfy a roving disposition and an idle curiosity rather than any deep ideal that Rudolf Rassendyll , man-about-town , decided on impulse while travelling in France to visit Strelsau for the coronation of Rudolf the Fifth .
21 She can remember Queen Victoria 's diamond Jubilee , and the coronation of Edward The Seventh .
22 It seemed clear to many that with the defeat of France a glorious peace was imminent .
23 With the defeat of Napoleon the German states reversed emancipation of the Jews .
24 Since the collapse of Leyland-Daff the only entrance to its sales headquarters has been partly blocked by heavy trucks .
25 It was his arrival at Nijmegen in 837 that made the Vikings withdraw , and his leadership of the Rhineland campaign in the winter of 838 – 9 that caused the rapid collapse of Louis the German 's revolt .
26 The loss of Caledor the first was a grievous blow to the Elves .
27 Rivalry with France was one theme in the centuries of empire to come , but after the loss of Calais the English concentrated on capturing French colonies or in restraining French attempts to dominate Europe rather than on trying to make anything substantial out of the nominal claim to the French crown that English kings asserted until 1801 .
28 With the loss of Southwark the project organisers had to find another similar London borough .
29 As a result of Seymour an accused is guilty if he did not realise that there was an obvious risk of some personal injury to another .
30 After the murder of Gaveston the baronial opposition disintegrated and Edward was able to prepare for a campaign against the Scots , but when this ended in the humiliating defeat of his forces at Bannockburn in June 1314 the earl of Lancaster again united the hopes of the disillusioned baronage .
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