Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The new policy shifted emphasis away from fighting inflation , aiming to halt recession through greater investment in state enterprises and by boosting exports .
2 It is a coming-together of intentions to create visibility for key strategies and organizational movement .
3 Side doors hinge up , and allow superb visibility for all occupants .
4 t Tests were used for two level factors ; ANOVA was employed for factors with several levels , and simple linear regression for continuous variables .
5 Each patient had three measurements of bone mineral density and rates of bone loss were estimated by linear regression for each subject .
6 In fact , Lucas actually substitutes for from equation ( 6.4 ) and estimates the following regression for each country :
7 Thus Lucas can be seen to be estimating a regression for each country in which that country 's deviation of real output from its natural level is regressed on its own lagged value and Lucas 's measure of the unpredictable and therefore unanticipated component of aggregate demand .
8 By 1906 Picasso had known the work of Gauguin for some time .
9 Having talked for an hour about wild animals the teacher posed a question to one of her class .
10 Short-term performance is then to be judged by a comparison of budgeted and actual ROI for that year .
11 Its broad aims were to analyse large American companies in order to discover differences in return on investment ( ROI ) , to establish par values for ROI for different industries and their segments , and to attempt to explain variations in ROI across companies and their subsidiary business units by reference to strategic factors .
12 You need to have a think about those things as well .
13 It 's a Christmas perk for local farmers to sell holly and mistletoe .
14 What needs re-affirming , and re-examining , is the complex inter-relation between moral languages and the history of nineteenth-century feminism .
15 But they do point to the complex inter-relation between official discourses and the domain of constructed personal experience and pleasure .
16 This is one point in the course , and it is but one example , where the inter-relation between Professional Studies and the Curriculum Course is a matter for explicit emphasis .
17 Now even the BBC is planning a Virtual Reality gameshow for next year .
18 Peter Wilson aged 43 , a married man with three children , has been employed by Humberside Heavy Haulage as a traffic clerk for five years and his current weekly wage is £120 per week .
19 worked at Hull Flake mill as a wages clerk for 14 years , retiring at 66 years of age .
20 After the band split up , Tex became a railway clerk for British Rail at Garston freight depot .
21 It is valued for its ability to milk off poor grazing and for its polled factor , which is passed to all first-generation crossbred offspring .
22 The point of mentioning this development is not to launch on a digression about professional education , important though that is .
23 Opponents of the MTO claim it would institutionalise the primacy of free trade over environmental protection and make it easier to challenge high national standards on environmental protection as unfair barriers to trade .
24 Protection for black bear .
25 Many larger houses were being split up into ‘ so-called flats ’ , and he called for protection for such families .
26 Finally , copyright protection of electronic databases was considered , since legal protection for such databases is of critical importance for the continued growth of this market .
27 This somewhat anthropocentric , ‘ managerial ’ approach to nature is in sharp contrast to that of the ‘ idealists ’ in the environmental movement who tend to advocate total protection for threatened species and habitats , de-industrialisation , and a return to non-intensive methods of food production .
28 He called for a commitment from the EC to provide adequate protection for threatened habitats .
29 This provided for arrangements to secure ransom money if necessary , to pool any gains of war and invest them profitably , and , if one left a widow , to make some provision for her and give some protection for surviving children .
30 That protection for individual losers will cost £300m next year , around £200m the year after , and £100m the year after that .
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