Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Erm but erm sitting in a traffic jam this morning I was very concerned to learn that taking effect from tomorrow the government is changing the grant for adaptation for severely handicapped people .
2 They featured ( i ) the reinstatement of the Ministry of Justice ( abolished in 1966 ) , the minister having the right to overturn court rulings ; ( ii ) the guaranteeing to defendants of the assistance on demand of a defence lawyer , including at the investigation stage ; ( iii ) a reduction in the number of capital offences from 34 to 11 ( retaining as capital offences treason , espionage , terrorism , murder and " economic crime " such as sabotage and theft of state property ) , and the exclusion of women from capital punishment ; ( iv ) clearer definition of the crime of agitation and propaganda against the state ( which was no longer to be a capital offence ) , in order to prevent its abuse by the authorities ; ( v ) the redefinition of internment and deportation as penal rather than administrative sanctions ( i.e. requiring a court ruling rather than merely a local authority order ) ; and ( vi ) the introduction of remission for prisoners for good behaviour .
3 DAVID Mellor , who has made a variety of television and radio appearances since his resignation as Minister for Fun , is about to take a major step in his broadcasting career .
4 The SPA officially accepted Souphanouvong 's resignation as President for " reasons of age and health " .
5 The last opportunity for entry for full candidates will be June 1994 .
6 You have an opportunity through experience for knowing better than anyone else what is at stake and how much effort it takes , and what a loss it is if you do n't do everything you can to make your partner contented .
7 She wo n't mind accepting something of that kind from the Pack , I know , and I 'm sure she 'll enjoy having you decorate the cottage for Christmas for her . ’
8 Her experience during rehearsal for her first Royal Variety Show at the London Palladium in November 1988 also taught her a lesson .
9 The most important of these is that there shall be a specific planning permission for development for operational purposes .
10 The fifth , was I considered the plans were not detailed enough for us to give permission for outline for thirty six .
11 Affecting the coal , oil , gas , petrochemical and metallurgical industries and the railways , it featured a package of incentives including a 5 per cent pay rise for workers for each percentage point by which monthly output in their enterprise exceeded average output in January-April 1991 , and the right of enterprises to sell for their own profit 10 per cent of their output on the domestic market .
12 Nield , J , was unable so to hold for two reasons — ( 1 ) since the Counter-Inflationary Order made under the powers of the Act preserved the lease as lawful and valid though prohibiting payment of rent above the standard rate , and ( 2 ) since even if it had been otherwise the plaintiffs ' contract for payment for professional services was not an agreement collateral to the lease so as to be tainted by any illegality in the lease if such illegality had existed .
13 Shandell admits that he is not sure — what happened , he says , is that one of the company 's distributors developed a facsimile board for Pick for MD-DOS and requested serial-port support .
14 Elaborating the case for history for specialist audiences
15 The case for self-validation for the polytechnics has been put very forcibly by Dr Birch , the present chairman of the CDP .
16 We see the new concern as arising in an era of restraint , but see that the case for value for money stands apart from the political stance taken — whether it is for or against cuts in local government expenditure .
17 Admission for assessment for twenty-eight days ( section 2 ) is possible where a person is suffering from mental disorder and it is considered that he or she ought to be detained in the interests of his or her own health or safety or with a view to the protection of other persons .
18 Those terms in this case include provision for termination for good cause under section 34(1) and on three months ' notice as one of the terms of the appointment under section 34(3) .
19 Provision for legislation for Marine Nature Reserves was only included in the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1987 at the last minute , after much pressure was brought to bear on Peers and MP 's by conservation bodies such as WWF and the Marine Conservation Society .
20 Thus does section 87 of the Local Government , Planning and Land Act 1980 make provision for charges for planning applications .
21 I know that the Government have not found it in their hearts to extend the cold-weather provision for shelters for the homeless outside London and the many districts of need throughout the country .
22 Within our provision for grants for voluntary organizations , we hold an unallocated figure , because we do n't automatically erm , add inflation to grants to voluntary bodies , and in fact we wait for them to come forward and justify the increases of grants we 're giving .
23 Probably the most novel feature of this contract is the provision for subcontractors for specialist work to be chosen by the employer .
24 Sched. 4 makes provision for applications for Sunday opening including the procedure to be followed , the persons or bodies who can be competent objectors , and the grounds on which such an application can be refused .
25 Liverpool boss Graeme Souness was said to be willing to use the 25-year-old Londoner as bait for Queens Park Rangers ' , coveted striker Les Ferdinand .
26 C three C , the abolition of course freedom for movement for services and that is implemented in article fifty
27 Following the record increase in Government funding of the Arts Council for 1992-93 , I am delighted that the council has decided to increase its touring budget for England for next year by over 19 per cent .
28 To the tabloid newspapers he was ‘ Naughty Boy George ’ , one minute ‘ a poof with muscles ’ , the next ‘ laying off love for seven months ’ .
29 Although Humphrey emphasises that one can not rule out the possibility of auto workers being a conservative force in the future , he does demonstrate that , at this particular historical-political conjuncture , their militant action provided a catalyst for change for the working class .
30 Formal observation techniques and equipment are designed to reduce this discrepancy to a minimum but the nursing process depends on much more than can be obtained by this means ; therefore it is important for the teacher to have some understanding of the factors that affect the formation of percepts so that she can help the nurse to make accurate judgements where these are possible and to be sufficiently receptive and mentally flexible to consider more than one possible judgement as basis for action .
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