Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If we were to insist that prayer involves some form of dialogue then it would presuppose that we already know what is meant by the concept of God .
2 Pete Goss took a group up to the foredeck to demonstrate a spinnaker hoist , four were dispatched to the leeward rail to induce some heel and to those in the cockpit Nick commanded : ‘ Well , do n't just sit there , get tying knots . ’
3 ( 1 ) to ( 3 ) of course raise some difficulties for a biological approach , particularly with regard to institutions , and an adequate treatment of the representation problem will deal with all these levels .
4 For example , support given some years ago to a postgraduate in Theoretical Chemistry , Mark Bayley , led to offers of collaboration between Bristol , Yale and a German University .
5 As recorded by Fredegar , the Byzantine link , with the emperor Maurice , is chronologically impossible , but the presence of vast quantities of Byzantine coin in Childeric 's grave goes some way to supporting the idea that he did have support from the eastern Empire .
6 The position would have been very different in the case of a payment made some years before which was sought to be recovered because a court in another case had ruled that the regulation under which the demand had been made had all along been ultra vires .
7 They should also be given permission to issue some form of fixed interest profit-related bond , be allowed to raise a proportion of their equity direct from the public and be subject to independent regulation similar to that of privatised utilities .
8 He was thus encouraged to believe that the Cambridge Board entertained some doubt over the strength of its case for unilateral action and was therefore anxious to reach a negotiated agreement with the WEA prior to making any application for additional Chapter III providing powers .
9 In practice , the operator jumps forwards and backwards within the pattern indicated on the chart rechecking some decisions and anticipating others .
10 So the Guardian made some inquiries .
11 During the screening process , however , the Education Ministry made some changes which were criticized by liberals .
12 Indirect discrimination involves some pre-condition or obstacle which , on the fact of it , applies equally to men and women but which in practice less women ( or men ) can comply with than men ( or women ) .
13 On the one hand , setting and enforcing more adequate levels of child support goes some way to redressing the balance of the current situation where the costs of supporting children fall almost entirely on the mother .
14 The index goes some way to overcoming these problems .
15 The selection seems to have taken into account the moves within London University to amalgamate some colleges and form five science centres .
16 Typically , you use an analysis or description of a text to claim some kind of connection between the features analysed and something else about the text , such as its meaning , its effect on a reader , how good it is , or its historical origins .
17 With deposits of limited size variations the technique has some success but better discrimination is achieved where there are large size differences .
18 An inspection found some wards were overcrowded , and some toilets and bathrooms were dirty .
19 If the actions can not be independently observed at all though , this might force the optimal contract to contain some element based on general risk , in order to provide incentives to efficiency .
20 Honey contains some sucrose as well as glucose and fructose ; 1 teaspoon of honey has the same amount of calories as one teaspoon of sucrose .
21 The traditional system for involvement of clinicians at District level incorporates some element of divisional structures for different specialities coming together as a representative body as the Medical Executive Committee .
22 But although explanations of this kind provide some understanding of the class struggle , it is clear that Poulantzas does not regard them as enough .
23 I know also that some Conservatives that feel that perhaps what I 've laid before you this afternoon has some credence .
24 Of course the masker is only useful when the user has some hearing .
25 The new computer has some state of the art fibre optic channels as well as the conventional copper ones but these will not initially be used and will come into play as new device types are acquired in the future .
26 It seems that individual work with some group work is often beneficial , and we can certainly turn to the computer to provide some material .
27 But the social problem posed by mental disorder is a particularly awkward one : on the one hand , facilities for care and treatment are necessary and on the other , some form of control may be required , because the more serious states of mental illness and mental impairment involve some failure to live a responsible and well ordered life that conforms to the demands of society .
28 He commented specifically on this and his use of the Faulkner quotation by saying , ‘ When the writer has some urgency to speak , the subject matter becomes almost irrelevant . ’
29 Although interactivity of this kind places some control over access and outcome in the hands of the user , the degree of control is strictly limited by the computer software providing the interactivity .
30 The stereo chorus adds some colour to both clean and heavily distorted modes , but seems to thin out the tone in some instances , so use with care .
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