Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] but they " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There are no allegations that any of these were selling information or that there was any fraud involved but they were causing chaos on a scale that could n't be imagined , ’ Mr Richardson said earlier .
2 The scale of the work varied but they were generally scenes from nature , the type of thing popularly believed to be the easiest to sell but not necessarily the easiest to paint .
3 Benny heard from Patsy that the Healys had been up to Dublin to look for a child to adopt but they had n't got one because Mr Healy had a weak chest .
4 I think it would be a crying shame if the country pub disappeared but they need customers and there are n't the customers around that there were in the past . ’
5 Now , many of the other items are also sound and have a part to play but they could be improved upon .
6 Each of them has a value and a part to play but they should serve us ; we should not be their slaves .
7 The political parties each have a different vision of precisely what citizenship involves but they are all broadly agreed that it is a good thing and agree in general terms at least on its basic ingredients .
8 Inevitably , with inflation , only a small group profited but they were the men who directed some important changes in the country 's agricultural and industrial patterns , and whose conspicuous consumption we have already seen .
9 Lindsey argued that the tax cuts were not only incentive creating but they also increased the cost of tax avoidance .
10 ‘ The company claims there may be room to manoeuvre but they have spelled out the bottom line and that is 229 jobs in Birkenhead and 66 in Litherland .
11 And Stones free kick wasted but they can try again .
12 And when we when we ask people to go out we it is er a total trust self employed but they are quote employed unquote .
13 And sewed on the sewing machine and then painted them all with raw linseed oil but raw linseed oil took a long while to dry but they soft .
14 We have tried numerous toddler catches but they are invariably pulled off by over-enthusiastic visitors who do not understand them .
15 They were then left with a hole to fill but they came up with a rider who not only won at Kirkistown but also showed a lot of talent .
16 Under his ministry the Church grew but they could pay him very little .
17 They ca n't make a decision to change but they can give you the information that we need to bring forward .
18 The army may not be the safest organization to join but they really know their stuff when it comes to travel — or ‘ patrolling ’ as they call it .
19 Clearly they have some way to go but they can still look back on 1989 with a glimmer of pride .
20 Apparently what the erm busmen do is they have to make sure that they get to where they 're meant to be on time otherwise they get their pay docked but they like to stop off and see their friends on the way , and stop and have cups of tea
21 Campbell does not mention women being employed in glove making but they certainly were in the main provincial centres of Oxfordshire , Somerset and Worcestershire , especially from the late eighteenth century when this manufacture along with lace making and straw plaiting expanded rapidly on the basis of cheap female hand labour .
22 Evening courses will no doubt continue but they should be planned with caution .
23 Germans were confidently walking in the streets when the alarm sounded but they did n't take it seriously and failed to go to air raid shelters .
24 School beckons but they do n't go , preferring instead to hustle girls , steal records and have run-ins with the local Puerto Rican gang .
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