Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] it [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 First , those who come to the Park to enjoy it can not do so , because of all the traffic .
2 Further at this point , the writer thinks it may be expedient to include a paragraph on the subject of human ability to acquire and retain a faith , or religion .
3 The prosecution says it belonged to Westmore James , the defence say it could have been owned by Ian Barnes and Westmore James had been acting inself defence .
4 The most obvious clue to its presence is its movement , so in order for its camouflage to work it must be prepared to remain very still for long periods of time , or at least to alter its position very slowly and gently .
5 The lawyer thinks it 'll be a sensational case , and I 'm sure he 's right .
6 This means that for the boom to continue it would be necessary to undertake capacity increasing investment , that is , increase the stock of fixed capital .
7 The association announced it would start work early next year on a purpose built home for 30 homeless youngsters .
8 The thought of entering the disaster area of an elderly widow 's grief and shouldering some of the responsibility for helping her to bear it , and to rebuild what is left of her life , is enough to create feelings of anxiety in anyone ; and admittedly this can be a very difficult assignment , for not only will you be well aware that you are unable to give her the one thing she really wants — the return of her husband — but you will feel , as we all do when faced with the bereaved , that their personality seems suddenly to have been crushed like a flower under the heel of a vandal , showing it to be so fragile and vulnerable that almost any attempt to revive it would seem to be doomed to failure .
9 If the system disagrees with the figure entered it will challenge it — otherwise it moves on to the next item .
10 There 'll be no moon , and if this wind holds it should help us a lot .
11 ‘ The administration says it can accept no amendments ; that its budget is untouchable .
12 The Clinton administration says it will protect peacekeepers if they are attacked .
13 Lisa 's award is in recognition for the good job she does — the Downs Syndrome Association hope it will also publicise the fact that the opportunites for adults with Downs Syndrome to do ordinary jobs are few and far between .
14 Although the charge card industry says it will benefit from the move away from credit cards , it is unlikely to take on the mass of consumers who acquired a credit card in the Eighties .
15 Official statistics have often been criticised for counting only the wait between first specialist consultation and treatment , although the department says it would be misleading to include patients before they have been fully assessed .
16 If the new McCaw/LIN deal succeeds it would bring McCaw 's stake in LIN Broadcasting to 50.3 per cent .
17 No , the estate agent reckons it 'll be converted into flats , so I expect the new owner 's going to want you out .
18 But without variations in exchange rates or labour costs it will be impossible to sustain different levels of labour productivity in different parts of the Community .
19 As knowledge of basic platelet metabolism increases it will be more easy to identify platelet abnormalities and their pathogenesis in diabetes mellitus .
20 The progress of science as the falsificationist sees it might be summed up as follows .
21 In addition to the above methods of Review/ Recall it will be found both enjoyable and informative if you cultivate the habit of discussing reading with friends and teachers .
22 The thaw does not usually exceed about 1 m on flat ground , but on south facing slopes it may penetrate to 1.5 m ( Chernov , 1985 ) .
23 There 's always a risk it may be hijacked but even a minimal military force accompanying it would warn the Serbs that the West meant business .
24 In the high-pressured and directive context of undergraduate teaching it may be desirable , but is not practically possible .
25 It 's just that whatever the reality of your condition verifying it will constitute a kind of catharsis — do you know what that means ? ’
26 Had a more diverse stock existed it would have been more likely for a less familiar tale to have been selected .
27 Each year following discussions in the Consultative Council on Local Government Finance , central government calculates a ) the total amount of revenue spending it will accept for grant purposes ( relevant expenditure ) ; and b ) the percentage of relevant expenditure to be financed by grant .
28 A rise-and-fall fitting ensures it will bc right .
29 After last year 's inaugural event was such a success , raising £4,000 , the association decided it should become an annual event .
30 An emergency jobs programme to reduce it should be the main battleground .
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