Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] is a " in BNC.

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1 The latest building completed is a drive-in McDonald 's .
2 The most probable effect of exposure to light is a change of colour , but this is not necessarily the only or even the most important effect .
3 The decision impugned is a decision by the board of Lautro on 30 October 1990 to exercise its intervention powers so as to prohibit Norwich Union Life Insurance Society ( ‘ Norwich ’ ) and three associated companies from accepting any new investment business from Winchester or from soliciting investment business from the public through Winchester or any of its representatives .
4 The last thing your sister wants is an unwilling husband . ’
5 There 's also another thing that a golf course has is a where you want a distance marker .
6 Theorem proving is a special case of monotonic search .
7 Theorem proving is a particularly easy form of search .
8 The last thing either side wants is a public trial of strength which would probably succeed only in damaging the long-term interests of each .
9 If you are in a dealing situation and each deal made is a sound one then momentum may be enough .
10 The second is that from the Cherwell boathouse to the point where the tragedy occurred is a distance of over two and a half miles , including a strenuous portage , and took us nearly an hour .
11 Our finding in the present study that only 5% of sporadic adenomas express detectable levels of p53 protein is clearly in line with the results of these other workers , and the use of three different anti-p53 antibodies including ‘ mutant specific ’ Pab 240 , provides further evidence that the protein detected is a mutant form .
12 The effect of the breach will depend upon the nature of the terms breached , if the term breached is a condition , i.e. a fundamental term of the contract , the victim of the breach may treat the contract as at an end and sue for damages .
13 Where the term breached is a less important term , a warranty , breach merely entitles the victim of it to sue for damages and does not allow the victim to end the contract .
14 The statistics show that 64% of cars do not have any form of security device and the chances of having your car stolen is a high as one in 40 .
15 While the Monk , usually politely addressed as ye , declines the invitation of the Host to " " be myrie of cheere " " as he tells his tale ( VII : 1924 – 5 ) , the Nun 's Priest , familiarly addressed as thou , is ready and able to provide what is wanted : The tale the Nun 's Priest tells is a beast-fable : a form of literature that should observe and comment on human traits and manners in a moral light , presenting those traits and manners in a fictional drama in which the characters are of the animal world .
16 The identification of the particular Mufti involved is a subject more suitably dealt with later , but there seems little doubt that the editor is right in his assumption that the grand caliph is , in fact , the Mufti .
17 In so far as the levels of government expenditure are fixed by general political considerations , if one group is expressly given favourable tax treatment the value of tax revenue lost is a cost that must be financed by other tax payers .
18 If the remedy the applicant seeks is an order of mandamus or a declaration or injunction , then the main form of interim relief available is an interim injunction .
19 The only maintenance required is an occasional wipe over with a mild detergent .
20 The roast fillet of lamb with herb crust to follow is a classic dish , presented by Clayton with great finesse .
21 The general framework adopted is a " principal-agent " one , the manager being the agent of principals such as the shareholders .
22 Of course , where the wealth goes is a problem , since it often ends up in a few hands .
23 The way the Sun looks is an integral part of its violent approach to almost everything : its anti-humanism .
24 As we saw in Chapter 5 , McGregor argued that the style of management adopted is a function of the manager 's attitudes and assumptions about human nature .
25 ‘ You may have the best relationship in the world but if you do not provide your account manager with the ammunition to fight your corner then all his boss sees is a problem account . ’
26 The fragment used is a 250 bp Xba I- Pvu II fragment encoding deoP2 sequences from -118 to +16 .
27 The bay of Saint lean is a noble , open prospect , though it has been a dangerous place too in its time .
28 Inherent in the type of question posed is a fundamental distinction between two major forms of organisation of written texts — the time-related and the non-time-related .
29 Nevertheless , watching the AX 's fuel gauge fall to empty is a long and tedious vigil .
30 What the Firearms Act provides is a series of inchoate or preventive offences which criminalize conduct even before it has reached the stage of an attempt to commit some substantive offence .
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