Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] when they " in BNC.

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1 It appears to be contrary to what the Criminal Law Revision Committee and Parliament intended when they established " dishonesty " in the 1968 Act .
2 Repairs to the Cages affected by the falling branch were completed and the Zoo 's formal admission of defeat came when they moved a Chilean eagle into the golden eagle 's old cage .
3 None of the men made any attempt to escape when they struggled , subdued and shaken , on to the bank .
4 Zealots may feel their blood quicken when they hear calls for a holy war ; many of the imams who denounce the presence of infidel troops on Islamic soil know they owe their livelihoods to Saudi money .
5 The Government is spending over half as much again more than Labour did when they were last in power .
6 What will the Scottish electorate think when they discover what the millionaire Secretary of State for the Environment , who is sitting on the right hon. Gentleman 's left , has to pay ?
7 Their friendship blossomed when they met again at the funeral and developed into a love that was to stretch across forty years of marriage .
8 Fighting begins when they learn the Daleks intend to pollute the atmosphere with even more radioactive fallout , which will kill the Thals .
9 Recent surveys find 80% of Americans in favour , though the proportion drops when they are offered the alternative of a life imprisonment that genuinely means for life .
10 They are given a company car to get from A to B , and their main work starts when they get there is n't it ?
11 WALL 'S : The company 's great breakthrough came when they decided to buy trikes to sell their ice-cream around the streets in the 1920s .
12 Housewives and volunteer workers , to whom Freidson denies strict market value and hence the status of performing professional work , do sometimes have exchange value granted them : in courts of law household tasks have been assigned wage values and the voluntary sessions ‘ given ’ by consultant physicians and surgeons in the pre-1948 ‘ voluntary hospitals ’ had their work costed when they joined the NHS .
13 There are personality clashes in the band , and jealousies and rivalries spring up , but all dissent disappears when they perform .
14 The ordeal ended when they were picked up from Great Barrier Island , 123 days after they had set out from New Zealand .
15 Prospective students who are already in the UK or who intend to come to the UK and wish to visit the University should write to the International Office providing details of their proposed course of study and possible weekday dates when they could visit .
16 People let their guard slip when they 're travelling ; they 'll tell you things they would n't say to a neighbour they 've known for years .
17 The plan backfired when they realised they would need mountains of paper to earn just a few pence .
18 Hand-on-heart declarations that rugby is an amateur game and that players have freedom to play when they choose , do not in this competitive , rewarding age , ring true .
19 ‘ A lot of people fell around the place laughing when they heard about the middle-aged poet bit , ’ he says .
20 My husband recollect when they used to climb up the stocks to put the owd canvas sails on the mill .
21 He knew that planes were designed to withstand violent airwaves , that the real danger came when they were close to the ground .
22 One is illustrated by the fact that the blacks call their church first purchase , this is because it was the first thing that their community bought when they were all released from slavery , another form of racial prejudice on behalf of the whites .
23 Those gastric acids have a much tougher job to do when they have to fight their way through fibrous cell-wall material .
24 This impressive record began when they both joined in 1950 , Alex as a bank boy in the Wilton department and Jean as a trainee in Spool Setting .
25 The feeling of dream-like ease persisted when they arrived at Catherine 's flat .
26 Polo 's ‘ hole ’ selling started when they did a consumer survey asking : ‘ Which bit of mint do you like the best ? ’
27 I was disappointed to see this move cut when they showed the goals on MOTD .
28 Other angry motorists blew their horns and flashed rude two-finger salutes when they finally managed to overtake him .
29 She would have liked to sit down and enjoy it , or at least take the child early so she had some evening left when they got back .
30 Causes , even heaven to rejoice when they see those who are lost acknowledging their lostness , and responding and being found .
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