Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [been] like " in BNC.

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1 Taking part in the programme has been like an exciting adventure , discovering the hidden strengths of a community in its parents , and the willingness of Community Mothers to contribute to growth and development within their communities .
2 What would the album have been like if you had n't gone there ?
3 The names which have previously confused scholars would in effect have been like the variety of names used for , say , a contemporary political party or , at most , for the spectrum of groups and individuals which coalesced into a single movement — the French Resistance , during the German occupation .
4 I wonder what his parents thought of him , but does n't it all boil down to what life at home has been like .
5 In the penultimate scene Julia and Paul decide that the summer during which the action of the novel has taken place has been like ‘ an allegorical dream-vision ’ ( 212 ) .
6 The coffee made by that blasted mother 's boy Sartini had been like water as usual and the Brigadier himself had n't had time to go home and shave .
7 She had tried to curb it , but her tongue had been like acid .
8 The underlying thesis that the unity of man is natural while the diversity of man in society is cultural is a still prevalent orthodoxy among all Marxists and a qualified orthodoxy among most contemporary anthropologists , including myself , but it originally emerged , in the course of the late-seventeenth and eighteenth centuries , as a dialectical response to Hobbes ' ( 1651 ) formula that , in the beginning , man had been like Cain , a wanderer in the wilderness , whose life was one of " continual fear and danger of violent death .
9 Wycliffe tried to recall what his own daughter had been like at twenty , which was not so very long ago .
10 During this time I was able to develop some understanding of the sorts of backgrounds my interviewees came from , what their hopes , fears , values and experiences of life had been like before they joined the movement and how these might have changed since .
11 On a visit to his mother he began to ask her what his father 's life had been like .
12 It was hard to remember what her life had been like before Leo came , but , whatever it had been , it had to have been more peaceful than this .
13 His grandmother had been like a mother to him for most of his childhood .
14 And Goldsborough 's voice had been like velvet .
15 Everyone 's got their problems , and no-one knows what life 's been like for anyone else .
16 You have no idea , have you , what my life 's been like ? ’
17 Looking for a win has been like chasing the holy grail … for Swindon … they 've travelled far and wide … some cynics thought they 'd never find it …
18 At the end of her eight-week course at the ICO she declared that the experience had been like a very deep well with pure water .
19 ‘ I can truthfully say that being with the recent squad has been like being with a family .
20 This belief so dominated her thoughts that she began to form a coherent political ideology based on what she imagined the ancien régime to have been like , and became convinced of the perfection of the aristocratic society of eighteenth-century France .
21 How dared he surmise her behaviour when he had n't the faintest idea of what her childhood had been like ?
22 The last year had been like a dream , a fairy tale ; but suddenly , as the cameras retreated and the curtains drew on another quiet Balmoral evening , with the Queen insisting on formal dress for dinner , as she does every night , the dream began to dissolve .
23 Yet the process of reading the spread had been like mounting a ladder that vanished beneath her : once started there was no return .
24 Our house has been like Sauchiehall Street .
25 He tried to remember what the weather had been like in the last week and realized he had no idea ; like many city-dwellers he had moved from flat to car to office without registering any variation .
26 He composed his blends not only according to the flavour of the juice , but also according to what the weather had been like that year — an early or late development , depending on the amount of cold or rain there had been — and according to whether the vines had grown a rich or mediocre foliage .
27 Her voice acquired a jeering note , not unfamiliar to Roland , who wondered for the first time what his mother had been like before her disappointment , which in her case was his father and to some extent himself .
28 Sometimes it has n't , mostly it has , but whatever the weather 's been like , the copy has to be delivered , the pictures taken , the enthusiasm maintained .
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