Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [coord] you " in BNC.

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1 Even though your knees trembled and your heart fluttered and you felt weak with longing , how could you melt , knowing that ?
2 You can either look at people 's jobs because that 's the bulk of the money goes or you look at the charging policy or you look how the building 's run .
3 That 's for mum to know and you to guess .
4 And if you 've been wind surfing and you ca n't get back , you can always hitch a lift to dry land .
5 Anyway , it would do no harm to try and you never can tell , Vincent — she might turn out to be a classic Greek beauty . ’
6 You ca n't stop plaque forming but you can prevent it taking a hold by removing it every day .
7 Keep your circulation going and you do n't get bad legs , ’ she broke in .
8 There will be no climbing or hill-walking involved and you 'll only need about an hour to complete it and hand in your finished Puzzle .
9 ‘ … and you kept your mouth shut but you were beaten up and threatened with worse .
10 The assumption in the third comment may be that if a change occurs and you do n't see it happen , then it must happen when you are not there .
11 Cos I 've got to go out in ten minutes , I 'm going to get my hair done and you 're going to look after Jim are n't you ?
12 You see , we 've got that board made and you just have n't played with your Lego much since have you ?
13 the , erm you know like when the telephone goes and you think oh rats I 'm gon na miss the programme
14 ‘ A good thing you were near Gullholm when the engine failed or you 'd never have survived . ’
15 Well now , your helicopter is approaching the ground at a great rate of knots with the engine idling and you have to land it — gently .
16 ‘ Now I 've got work to do and you 've got to stay on that bed .
17 ‘ I have some shopping to do and you have not been to the town at all .
18 ‘ Tomorrow we find hot , my frightened little fishbird , tomorrow the ice melts and you 're free to swim with me always ! ’
19 As you walk up the stairs , the noise grows and you know it is going to be a hot reception .
20 Keith Richardson says … that he thinks every first division club needs a pre season tour … it does not have to be italy but that was a good place to go and you have more much more time than any training sessions back home
21 Yeah , like the electricity , but your chickens come home to roost when your overtime goes , when your job goes and you take on a commitment and they never , the last ten , fifteen , twenty , twenty five years and they 've never ever , ever taken on a commitment like that before , when it 's presented with just the roses around it , everything 's sweetness and light and roses and the other side is n't really put , put to you , think of the worse scenario , you 're out of a job , what can you do ?
22 and my concern is that our children are going to go into the er work place to try and you know establish their own
23 And that means that from then on your life is n't your own , you do n't do what you want to do , you do what you believe God is telling you to do and you try to live by what the bible says and you pray about any important decision you make and then , when God has shown you what the right thing is to do , even when you 're going through very hard times , you know that you 're there because that 's where God wants you to be and that gives you faith to carry on .
24 When the Charge sounded and you all began to ride forward , what was the first thing you did ? ’
25 The Telford church is a suitable place to start and you can just angle up the hillside to gain the ridge to Creag Ruadh , the red crag , a good first viewpoint .
26 Quite a few hangars have a tendency to rain inside in the morning as frozen condensation melts and you might want to consider strategically placing silica gel bags inside .
27 The plain fact is that even in a deposit based account , unless you 're a non-tax payer , any interest you make will already have had tax deducted and you may find your money is probably doing no more than keeping pace with inflation .
28 If we are going to deliver to the people to whom we as elected members owe the highest duty , that 's the people who are in receipt of our services the sort of quality service that we , that they deserve then I have to say that we can have as many reports of this nature as we like , but you have got to acknowledge the need to change and you have got to stop resenting the rights of parents and governors to run schools , you 've got to stop being obstructive to competitive tendering and you have got to stop arguing for the retention of services where it 's patently obvious that there 's over provision .
29 In one sense , businesses are licensed by the community to operate and you have to work within the terms of the licence , which tend to change .
30 But it 's self employed and you did n't want to be self employed by what you 've just told me .
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