Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [subord] they " in BNC.

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1 The motorhome will be the lucky winners ' base for the next two weeks , offering them freedom to go where they please to explore New Zealand 's unspoilt areas of breathtaking , natural beauty .
2 Quite , quite frankly I , I ca n't see Walsall moving , because it seems to have been money wasted if they 've made Fellas Park good and then they move somewhere else .
3 They do have considerable advantages though , and it 's worth giving them a try to see if they suit you .
4 Most EC governments restrict pension funds ' freedom to invest as they choose .
5 It appears to be contrary to what the Criminal Law Revision Committee and Parliament intended when they established " dishonesty " in the 1968 Act .
6 Thrips or thunder flies as they are sometimes called because of their tendency to fly in clouds when thunder threatens — are minute midge-like flies that like to get into buds just as the bud scales ( sepals ) are opening and lay their eggs there .
7 Workers with less than two years service CAN have their case heard if they were fired on grounds of sex or race .
8 The brochure stated clearly that while some children transferred back to mainstream schools , ‘ the majority remain until they are 16 years of age ’ .
9 There are even now other issues on the pensions debate we have employers like Telecom using pension funds to fund redundancies we now even have the government looking to see if they can get hold of pension fund money in British Rail and in the Coal Board to see if they can also fund job losses .
10 An order was then made that the costs incurred by the defendant in the High Court before the issue of his legal aid certificate be paid out of the Legal Aid Fund pursuant to section 18 of the Legal Aid Act 1988 , but that the order be suspended to enable the Legal Aid Board to object if they wished .
11 In modern viticultural establishments the grafts will spend some time in hot-room callusing boxes to develop a protective skin or callus over the grafting wound before they are planted into the nursery beds , and finally into the vineyard the following season .
12 Lands officers in the Road Service division objected because they claimed the one foot high flower beds could restrict a driver 's vision .
13 He was still laughing as two policemen came into the bar , but , despite himself , and despite his certain knowledge of his complete innocence , Herr Nordern 's heart sank as they made their way towards his table .
14 Peter Rainford was unpleasantly attentive but his wife was quite happy with Felipe , and Maggie 's heart sank as they arranged to go round the Alhambra with them the next day .
15 Some of them will be practising meditation exercises before they swoop down the ramp from a platform to begin their few minutes of profound torture .
16 The specially-adapted unmarked cars will be compared on a day-to-day basis with a marked police car to see if they are giving value for money .
17 The council may also approach a couple of neighbours each side to see if they have any legitimate objections to your proposals .
18 WE are trying to contact as many pregnant women as possible who have this condition to see if they will help by taking part .
19 It is a case of keeping an open mind to see if they are connected .
20 One of two women in the car asked if they could help me .
21 This ghost , in the absence of a head , carries a huge flaming pumpkin to light his way as he tears after late-night travellers at break-neck speed to see whether they have his head secreted in their luggage .
22 I knew the guys in the punk bands because they were the people I spent time with : people like Joe Strummer and Paul Weller I felt a great affection for as men , as well as admiring what they did . ’
23 How many new taxes would the Opposition introduce if they were in government ?
24 In the next 20 years the NHS did not escape criticism from academic Fabians but it never reached the volume and intensity of the criticism which , for example , social security and income maintenance attracted as they appeared to retreat further and further away from the principles of the Beveridge Report .
25 Repairs to the Cages affected by the falling branch were completed and the Zoo 's formal admission of defeat came when they moved a Chilean eagle into the golden eagle 's old cage .
26 None of the men made any attempt to escape when they struggled , subdued and shaken , on to the bank .
27 But in the future a diverse ecology will only be able to coexist with an efficient agriculture within the context of a planned land-use strategy , and such an attempt to resolve the various and conflicting demands on the countryside can not be successful without farmers surrendering at least some of their freedom of action to do as they wish with their own land .
28 It could have been that , I suppose , which made the hairs on the back of my neck feel like they were giving off static .
29 The tension rises as they sense the difference .
30 Zealots may feel their blood quicken when they hear calls for a holy war ; many of the imams who denounce the presence of infidel troops on Islamic soil know they owe their livelihoods to Saudi money .
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