Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In the end there was a tremendous battle because , although Mrs Christie expressed a wish in her will for the island to become a nature reserve , she left no money to carry it out .
2 I 'm not against the principle as I said when I came , when I was on the Council previously , when this was first hanging about , that there 's little doubt about it as , it 's a good policy , but will we get the money to carry it out .
3 You had to go to such trouble to persuade the subject to accept the poison and when ( or rather , in his case if ) you managed it , your very intimacy made it all too clear to everyone that you were the one who was slipping them the doctored crumble , the dodgy spaghetti bolognese or the potato salad unusually rich in mineral salts .
4 Whether he wanted to be hurt and suffer , or an excuse to hit me back , I do n't know , but I 'm sure he wanted me to hit him .
5 Halliwell drives me almost daily , and occasionally my daughter-in-law .
6 In fact , pursuant to r 6.80 , no resolutions can be taken at the meeting of creditors other than : ( i ) a resolution to appoint a named insolvency practitioner to be trustee or two or more insolvency practitioners as joint trustees ; ( ii ) a resolution to establish a creditors ' committee ; ( iii ) ( unless a creditors ' committee has been established ) a resolution specifying the terms of the trustee 's remuneration or to defer consideration of that matter ; ( iv ) if two or more trustees are appointed , a resolution specifying whether acts are to be done by both or all of them , or by only one ; ( v ) a resolution adjourning the meeting for not more than three weeks ; and ( vi ) any other resolutions which the chairman thinks it right to allow for special reasons .
7 Antagonism got you nowhere .
8 What he has to come out with is not initially clear , but it becomes clearer when a taste of gay night-life turns him off , and he trails back to his dull wife .
9 See Friday , I can work Saturday morning , play rugby then pick you up or , I can do work Saturday morning play rugby just Saturday afternoon pick you up Sunday morning and stay for say , Sunday , a couple of hours on Sunday .
10 Being anxious is normal , the next stage though is to admit the anxiety and to ask for the faith to see it through .
11 And you 're your graph paper few metres long , or you 'd have to cramp this scale up quite a bit bring it closer together .
12 Away he goes Lawrence again to the right-handed and that 's short on the back foot plays it down with a dead bat , ball bounces little more than a yard or two .
13 ‘ I promise I 'll think of others before myself in future , ’ she said , and her Mum hugged her tight .
14 And all the rime you knew that you would never take the risk of getting shot which this involved or have the necessary patience to carry it out .
15 The insistent demands of the computer make it hard for attention to wander , and unlike a human opponent , it can not be sidetracked , or exhausted .
16 But I intend to drive the strategy that is already in place and leave my successor to drive it even further . ’
17 Why the decision to go it alone ?
18 DR Robert Jones , who was repeatedly quizzed after the murder of his wife Diane in 1983 , yesterday began an appeal against the General Medical Council 's decision to suspend him over an alleged improper examination of a patient in Coggeshall , Essex .
19 Their small majority made them all the more conscious of the problems they needed to surmount to win the next election .
20 But his ruthlessness made him as much a figure of fun as a minister of fear , and whatever his future holds , Souness will always be pursued by a sense of resentment in Scotland .
21 ‘ Our support drives us on , but we drive them on too by our performances .
22 If anything , the deepening and lengthening recession made it more rather than less unlikely that the electorate would turn to Mr Kinnock as an economic messiah .
23 Since English people are also stereotyped in Ulster in various ( usually unfavourable ) ways , it was probably equally important that my mixed , but mainly Scottish , accent made it extremely difficult for subjects to fit me into any clear popular category .
24 You need panache to carry it off , with carefully selected ornaments and crockery from the period fortunately , there 's still quite a lot of it around ; geometric patterned wallpaper or plain walls with a border pattern in peaches and rusts .
25 In this brief speech , it is not appropriate for me to attempt that task but I shall give the House three examples of the sort of arrangements for which the Government should press in the second half of 1992 when we have an opportunity to carry them forward .
26 This split made him simultaneously very alert and extremely absent-minded , now on the ball , now off in a world of his own .
27 The Prince regarded him thoughtfully .
28 I need his presence to drive them away .
29 Squinting her eyes , because the contrast from bright day to the deep shadow in the barn made it difficult to see where she was going , and wary of stumbling and falling over , she grabbed at the doorframe , and shot out her foot to trip him up .
30 A Fatah officer with long , dirty hair led us down a slit trench cut into the soft , red earth .
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