Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [noun pl] ['s] " in BNC.

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1 Instead , amid a trenchant attack on the Government 's record , he dwelt on the vital role of trade unions in the fight to restore workers ' rights .
2 I was working in a factory mass producing men 's suits .
3 The course covers customers ' expectations and needs , wine and food combinations , use of the wine list , displays and liqueur trolleys .
4 The main building contains tutors ' rooms , research rooms , a computing room , laboratories , and cartographic and administrative offices .
5 In This New Season , a book about English teaching in Stepney , Chris Searle expresses his belief in the validity of working-class culture and the English teacher 's responsibility to encourage children 's pride in their own identity .
6 This can be used to reinforce the differences between preference and ordinary shares although in this case the explanation does not lie in that direction as there are no preference shares ; rather the explanation is more to do with stability of dividends in an attempt to bolster shareholders ' confidence .
7 — to finance investment using shareholders ' funds or by borrowing .
8 A wide gap separates patients ' and doctors ' proposals for change
9 ALL-GIRL band L7 are teaming up with wild rockers Nirvana in a bid to promote women 's rights .
10 This chapter explains whether , and if so how , an expert 's decision may be enforced , and explains ( 1 ) the nature of enforcement procedures ( 12.2 ) ; ( 2 ) the use of court action to enforce experts ' decisions ( 12.3 ) ; ( 3 ) the use of the threat of insolvency ( 12.4 ) ; ( 4 ) enforcement by the use of set-off ( 12.5 ) ; ( 5 ) difficulties with enforcement abroad ( 12.6 ) ; and ( 6 ) time limitation on enforcement ( 12.7 ) .
11 This article is written in the context of Section 9 of the Administration of Justice Act 1985 being brought into force enabling solicitors ' practices to incorporate in accordance with the Incorporation Rules approved by the Master of the Rolls .
12 So , to the conclusion that the Pioneers ' attempt to establish Producers ' Co-operation was structurally mishandled , we may now add something more .
13 The Government should mount a campaign with the Confederation of British Industry to encourage employers ' awareness of the potential worth of older people and to challenge the practice of discrimination .
14 That in effect reduced directors ' worries about bankruptcy , pushing them to borrow more .
15 Michael , the children 's author of 114 titles , was the hero of a Maysfield Leisure Centre extravaganza to open Children 's Book Week .
16 Havelock Ellis , who deplored the tendency of earlier Victorian scientific research to belittle women 's intellectual capacities , nevertheless believed that there were essential advantages to women remaining in their ‘ proper sphere ’ .
17 Mr Merlyn Rees as Labour Home Secretary had given voice to the more usually reticent position early in 1978 when he charged Mrs Thatcher with ‘ an irresponsible and dangerous approach to law and order … whipping up people 's fears in a ‘ cynical ’ ’ attempt to win votes ' .
18 This criterion concerns pupils ' knowledge of the properties of 2-D shapes and their knowledge of the names of the shapes .
19 After days of speculation , during which racing 's ruling body had said that there was ‘ no evidence of skulduggery ’ , a statement from the Jockey Club confirmed trainers ' worst fears .
20 The additional assessment is a sensible and welcome attempt to differentiate students ' performance by assessing higher-order skills .
21 Embarrassed by the consequent outburst of criticism from doctors , lawyers and many Republicans that the abortion gag rule violated women 's right to privacy , Bush had directed Roger Porter , his chief domestic policy adviser , to work with Republican senator John Chafee ( Rhode Island ) in devising a legislative compromise that would avoid a veto battle .
22 S 80 in effect requires members ' approval by ordinary resolution before the directors ' power to allot the company 's shares can be exercised , though the resolution may give approval for up to five years .
23 The deductive/empirical experiment assessed children 's ability to distinguish between the deductive and empirical modes on the basis of linguistic cues provided by the adult .
24 The research examines children 's interpretations and judgements of aspects of the social environment .
25 Over the past 18 months the giant Cincinnati firm has slashed the wholesale prices of about 70% of its products and eliminated discounts to retailers in an attempt to reward customers ' loyalties with ‘ everyday low prices . ’
26 Should it be unconcerned with the practical affairs of men and take no action to solve men 's problems it does not deserve to be called religion .
27 The simple structured interview covered patients ' knowledge and previous use of contraceptives and knowledge of secondary methods of contraception to be used if failure of a primary method was suspected .
28 There has been some attempt to assess children 's preferences in terms of subject-matter , illustration style , reproduction processes , use of colour , and so on .
29 She ( and occasionally he ) is seen by some as an unnecessary interference in the realm of the doctor , by others as a monitor to assess clients ' suitability for treatment , and by others again as a provider of information about treatment , advice about choices and generally to be a shoulder to cry on .
30 As long ago as 1985 we set out our intention to remove students ' general entitlement to certain benefits .
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