Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [verb] [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 Thus prayer became seen not as formulated exercise , which may or may not concentrate the mind , but as a state of consciousness .
2 The mandatory field listed has not been filled with information .
3 British Rail has decided not to include the Allens West halt on the list of stops for a rush-hour service between Middlesbrough and Darlington .
4 It seems the weakness has arisen not only because of the excess capacity built during the Central Electricity Generating Board 's dying years , but also because the competition for business between the regional distribution companies , the generators , the Scottish companies , Nuclear Electric and the French is so strong , and also because of recession .
5 The prospect of heavy damages has a chilling effect on freedom of speech , and the blank cheque which juries are allowed at present to write does not constitute the sort of precise and predictable rule which the Convention requires .
6 Evidence which also points in the same direction has come not from critics but from within the Kandel group itself .
7 BRITAIN 'S Ministry of Defence has decided not to protect the voluntary civilian crews of the Royal Navy 's new minesweepers against radioactive fallout , in order to save money .
8 The autumn statement contains something that I have never seen in an autumn statement before — a chart designed to show not figures showing what might happen in the economy but estimates of consumer confidence based on Gallup poll evidence .
9 In order to get a response in subject searching , the user has had not only to specify his needs but also to specify them in a way that " matches " the system .
10 The computer has to recognise not only words , but when speech begins and ends .
11 Well your mum has has n't she ?
12 It jumped headfirst into the 1980s property boom and is now paying the price : the ebbing tide has revealed not only severe recession damage , but also gaping holes which should have been plugged years ago .
13 But , after considering the comments it received on the ED , the board has decided not to pursue the subject as a single project .
14 So far , the ministry has chosen not to explain why it did not act over this matter , to admit that it made a mistake , and to fully compensate all those who have suffered trauma and considerable financial losses as a result of its negligence .
15 It is in the West that religion has declined not only in terms of churchgoing but authority .
16 Wiltshire 's Social Services department has promised not to turn its back on the problem of alcoholics .
17 The Department of Trade and Industry has decided not to refer the offer which topped Lord Hanson 's bid by about £150m .
18 This chapter has argued not only for the compatibility of faith with intellectual uncertainty , but even for the necessity of such uncertainty for faith .
19 Since Schoenberg 's day , modernism has has not been averse to self-serving diatribes .
20 A company 's management policies might be just as much to blame for a particular ‘ accident ’ as the actions of the driver , pilot , or captain : Sheen J made this point in his report on the Zeebrugge ferry disaster , but English prosecution practice has tended not to invoke the criminal law against managers of transport systems .
21 roof repaired have n't you ?
22 For the following nine seasons the club has guaranteed not to increase these season ticket prices by more than the annual rate of inflation .
23 And you will receive a rich welcome which 's hymn says does n't it ?
24 Cos they have to keep the blast furnace going do n't they .
25 It 's we actually got car locked did n't we ?
26 The c the school did n't , you know , there was n't a rule saying do n't smoke and then you get busted and all that
27 For the Archbishop 's commissioners , partnership needed to mean not just a link-up between business and the public or voluntary sectors , but a conscious attempt to meet the powerlessness felt by the ‘ people in the street ’ ( p. 186 ) .
28 There has been some sharp criticism in some areas of the sporting press — principally on three counts : That the turnover generated does not contribute to the levy ; that it is a snub to the all-weather experiment ; that it is pure exploitation of the punter .
29 From where I 'm sitting ( in a Paris café as it happens , pal , limbering up for the days 500cl — I mean 500 word slog ) , a rest in that sense would take the form of a couple of shifts in a Bolivian tin mine — and Club Med do n't fly there .
30 The action taken does not prevent him from practising as he is still on the council register .
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