Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The clerk argued that it was not a " competent application " .
2 Parliament announced that it would hold an emergency debate on the accidents .
3 The story goes that their car broke down on the way to Larne , and they had to hitch a ride to get to the boat on time .
4 When the Assembly closed the story goes that they found hundreds of dead Indians behind the screen .
5 The story goes that it was a very merry party — maybe they were celebrating being able to get in the hay after a bad spell — and they stepped on the bridge to enjoy some music , a very Tallentire thing to do .
6 The story goes that my great-great-grandfather came to see with his own eyes the destruction of their great city and that , seeing the sign , he smiled , appreciating the play on words .
7 The story goes that he 's fallen out with his friends in the Provos , and he 's either on the run , or they murdered him and dumped the body .
8 And so the story goes that he er said he would support David er David G Lloyd George and help on this case .
9 The story goes that he was watching at home with his wife but after the pile-up occurred , he could stand it no more and went out into the garden for the rest of the race .
10 The story goes that he managed a round on the morning of the wedding and even , it is said , a few strokes later in the day .
11 A nice government official helping to run the camp asked if I would mind staying until all the old and sick and pregnant women were flown out , and of course we were only too pleased to stay .
12 Distressing as it was for the Victorian establishment to contemplate having descended from monkeys , it would not be long before new advances in physiology and biochemistry revealed that we virtually are monkeys — differing from the chimpanzee , for instance , by a single chromosome in our genetic code .
13 The motorhome will be the lucky winners ' base for the next two weeks , offering them freedom to go where they please to explore New Zealand 's unspoilt areas of breathtaking , natural beauty .
14 ‘ Go As You Please ’ is just as it sounds , and with your unlimited 7-day bus pass and your 6 accommodation vouchers , which can be used at any of the Youth Hostels in Northern Ireland , you have the freedom to go where you want , when you want .
15 Quite , quite frankly I , I ca n't see Walsall moving , because it seems to have been money wasted if they 've made Fellas Park good and then they move somewhere else .
16 do you think that was a deliberate decision made that it should be part of the flats rather than somewhere outside ,
17 Erm now the th H S C is saying that erm it should n't have gone skin to skin and they 've stopped skin to skin in other headings .
18 He wrote in the Times : ‘ Last night in Sheffield , image throttled intellect and a quiet voice in every reporter present whispered that there was something disgusting about the occasion .
19 I must be quiet ; they must not hear my heart thumping or my involuntary gasp .
20 In the end Flimnap realized that his wife was not in love with me , and had not done anything wrong , but he was still angry with me .
21 But it might not be a bad idea to go down that route to see if we can we can see if it can be exploit it at this stage because we have discussed , and I know this is getting off the the the the agen
22 As he did so his burned skin healed and his scorched hair re-grew .
23 undermine your opponent 's credibility by : questioning his experience suggesting that he is losing control negotiating to the point of his mental exhaustion
24 Its hard to see that there will be much demand for it at that price , but AT&T Co has introduced a phone called Picasso Still Image Phone , which enables people that both have one to transmit television-quality colour still images over standard phone lines while still talking to each other — but it costs a cool $3,300 for one ; Picassos will be installed at 39 Marriott convention hotels under an agreement with Washington , DC-based Marriott Corp and AT&T is looking into co-operating on image technology with Eastman Kodak Co — the phone , designed mainly for advertising , design and photography agencies , will work with the Kodak 's Photo CD system .
25 They do have considerable advantages though , and it 's worth giving them a try to see if they suit you .
26 Most EC governments restrict pension funds ' freedom to invest as they choose .
27 Literary texts can be seen acting as metaphors for features the skilled ( shamanistic perhaps ? ) reader of the cultural text discerns and whose significances to the larger whole are suggestively indicated .
28 It appears to be contrary to what the Criminal Law Revision Committee and Parliament intended when they established " dishonesty " in the 1968 Act .
29 I have learnt enough about the Alexander Technique to realize that I have much more to learn , and that noticeable change can be a slow process , but I am more than happy with the benefits that I have received so far .
30 Looking ahead , I suppose travel would be nice , if only the opportunity arose and I had the courage to go with it .
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