Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [adv] from " in BNC.

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1 As I understand the position , the duty in negligence arose purely from the fact that the wife was also a customer of the bank .
2 Oh , I think the story goes on from there , because I do n't think though and this is a personal opinion and I I 'd love the Committee to I do n't know tha that er I M R O ever did get accounts out of Liechtenstein because a year later B I M the m the ownership of it was transferred from Liechtenstein back to England but guess who the the , the owner was transfer to a charitable trust , so we 've got erm a company that is handling the investment management of seven hundred million pounds worth of pension funds which is owned by a charity and the and the accounts that were given to I M R O and these accounts were given to I M R O a year later , were charity commission er type accounts , which evidently showed something like five hundred thousand pounds in that charitable fund and er and no transactions you know , so and that company that was running that was the beneficial owner of our investment company where all the errors took place .
3 To my other side the ridge tumbled away from below my hump .
4 Champagne made exclusively from Chardonnay grapes .
5 His lip was torn , a flap of skin hanging uselessly from it .
6 The man in white is thin and wiry with flashing black eyes and black hair sticking out from under the cap , wild looking .
7 He slipped quietly in and glanced up at the windows and walls until his attention was drawn to a mop of fair hair sticking out from behind one of the back pews .
8 Two days later a horse-and-cart pulled up in Page Street and an elderly man with a shock of ginger hair sticking out from both sides of his battered trilby stepped down and knocked at Aggie 's front door .
9 Just a tall , thin , cross man with a loud voice , pale , staring , pop-eyes , and tufts of spiky hair sticking out from each nostril .
10 Dot was n't allowed into Mrs Parvis 's kitchen except at the regulation meal-times and she was n't sure about how food was prepared , but she was pretty certain that when Mrs Parvis cooked what was called a nice egg-dish , it was made from an orange coloured powder spooned up from a deep cylindrical tin .
11 The driver got down from the cab and walked slowly down the platform and disappeared through a solid wooden door .
12 Most importantly , section 98 of the Children Act withdraws the right to silence in proceedings for care , supervision or child protection under the Act , but disqualifies any admission made here from being used as evidence in criminal prosecution .
13 Her fragile sanity crept away from the edge to cower inside the fortress of her orders .
14 The administrator kept careful account of money laid out from the estate .
15 The opportunity to go away from the school and work in a different atmosphere and with people who might have a different perspective on the management of organizations would give me the chance to look back into the school more objectively and question some of the assumptions I had grown to accept .
16 The central figure , St Cecilia , seems rapt in such inspiration as produced her image in the painter 's mind ; her deep , dark , eloquent eyes lifted up ; her chestnut hair flung back from her forehead — she holds an organ in her hands — her countenance , as it were , calmed by the depth of its passion and rapture , and penetrated throughout with the warm and radiant light of life .
17 We noted that controlling for sex would have reduced the size of the original effect , because there would have been a spurious component stemming purely from the fact that more women are in low status jobs and more women go absent .
18 Distinguishing Rex v. Clarke , 22 Cr.App.R. 58 and Reg. v. Hall , 43 Cr.App.R. 29 , Shelley J.A. , delivering the judgment of the court , observed that the defence is entitled to see such a statement , not by virtue of any general rule of law , but by virtue of the prosecution 's duty to inform the defence of statements in their possession made by a witness whose evidence at the trial differs substantially from what has been said in the statements .
19 This concerns the stages a case goes through from initial instructions to its conclusion and the physical appearance of the file throughout that time .
20 ‘ It took me just over an hour to drive here from Edinburgh . ’
21 In most species of birds , a male reared apart from other singing males will not develop a proper song at all ; this is not true of simple bird sounds , such as the cock crow , but no ‘ song birds ’ are known to be able to develop their elaborate songs in isolation .
22 Barry 's Mum got up from the desk as they went into the waiting-room , and put her coat on .
23 My mum got home from work about 10.30 p.m. and asked if I was all right , but I told her that I thought it was a false alarm .
24 Our faith turns away from the search for personal security , which we all instinctively seek when we feel threatened , and leads us to abandon ourselves to God alone .
25 The route turns away from the Ffos-y-Mynach at Waun Lodi where the path is boggy and dangerous .
26 A double stairway led up from a dusty hallway past walls of hieroglyphics and adolescent gods , set between huge mirrors advertising an Italian cognac popular in the 1920s .
27 The human heart beats continuously from three weeks after conception until the moment of death — about three thousand million contractions .
28 A text listed here from America in 1960 provides an indication of the possibilities seen for education television at its most hopeful phase .
29 Slater was again the provider for Payton 's second goal with a cross from the right which the striker headed away from Burridge .
30 Although Stalin died in 1953 and Soviet communism changed gradually from a totalitarian regime into a more conventional authoritarian state run by a collective leadership , the de-Stalinization of Western communism proceeded very slowly .
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