Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] do we " in BNC.

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1 We do n't have no snow February do we ?
2 We do n't want any freeze ups do we ?
3 How many Nesquick things do we need ?
4 How much pocket money do we get a day then ?
5 You do n't have to do any paper work do we ?
6 I do n't know mm I 'm full of surprises Well I do n't think we need to add anything to that climbing frame do we ?
7 What adult training do we want ?
8 This is a very common problem in er statistical inference and th or which which significance level do we choose ?
9 How many man hours do we need altogether ?
10 But we have to ask — how many insurance companies do we need in the UK and how cost effective is it to keep these companies running when it might be better to wind them up ? ’
11 Er how many part numbers do we sell to ?
12 How many part numbers do we sell to ?
13 Nowhere in our In Touch leaflet do we claim the Thornaby identity issue as our issue or our bandwagon as this matter angers and involves people of all shades of opinion in Thornaby .
14 All right yeah well let's erm le let's stick to talking about the leaf stem for now cos we do n't want to go on er slagging off every bit of art that 's around the city centre do we Barbara otherwise
15 Well for one thing we have got really have quite a few school teachers now who just could n't get off during How many school teachers do we have Agnes ?
16 any comment about the s the sort of format of the table show do we want to change them at all
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