Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] have [pron] " in BNC.

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1 These difficulties are compounded by the fact that industrialisation policies have their own dynamic in each sector and by foreign lenders ' intervention in domestic policy .
2 you have n't got a white skin Sarah have you ?
3 The British Army of the Rhine and Royal Air Force Germany have their Joint HQ at Rheindalen in West Germany .
4 Not every piece of social research has a very strongly theoretical aspect to it and many of the more ‘ applied ’ research projects have their greatest value in clarifying limited areas of behaviour where people had not been absolutely sure what the real position was .
5 The disrupted body clock is the most difficult problem to deal with , but Mr Khan reckons Ryman products have it solved .
6 Specific themes will include local models and metaphors of economic development as certain organizational shortcomings in the tea industry have their effects on income and the standard of living .
7 SHIPWRECK CARGOES have everything the antique collector could desire : romance , history , provenance , beauty — and buoyant prices .
8 We have n't found out about company car fleets have we ?
9 He poked his nose into things that ought not to have concerned him , ‘ How much dried bear meat have we ? ’ he asked .
10 And at the U S Air Force Academy have they got any aeroplanes ?
11 On your walkabout , you notice that your favourite department store have their sale on .
12 I 've done forty and twenty of geography Joe have you got your extended essay notes there ?
13 One thing I forgot to bring with me this afternoon was a tape of the assembly worship I 'm sorry about that , but I do n't think you 've got a tape recorder have you ?
14 I got my Yacht club thing have I ?
15 Erm , speed cameras have their place but er it 's not everywhere .
16 The majority of British undergraduate students have their fees paid in full by a grant-giving body , and many also receive a cash grant .
17 UP TO 150 local government jobs could go if two North-East councils have their spending capped by new Environment Secretary Michael Howard .
18 You 've got your money safe have you ?
19 AS we have already seen , built-in camcorder microphones have their limitations .
20 In our model , the cells in the progress zone have their position specified along the two axes by two different mechanisms .
21 there is a long history of decentralised management in the field of housing where local offices on council estates have their own budgets for minor repairs .
22 ‘ So boy scouts have their uses after all . ’
23 We have n't got ta put all the dates for all our references in , no not references , all our work experience have we ?
24 Other campaign groups have it comparatively easy .
25 I do n't feel we 've done a lot this half term have we ?
26 We 've not got ta do all these work experiences have we ?
27 Well of course it must do , it 's on the south coast for , first of all , but erm the South Downs have their problems .
28 In that cohort , council tenants have their first child much sooner after marriage than owner occupiers ( median interval thirteen months compared with thirty months ) and also have their third births much sooner after their second .
29 Tony Dean believes dairy farmers have nothing to fear from badgers , but if that view is not shared by the Ministry of Agriculture and widespread TB testing begins again , he fears the badger may have a bleak future .
30 Certainly one thing is noticeable Leicester have n't er quite dropped back into the gear they were in in the first half Ron have they ?
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