Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adj] [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Now in terms of whether it should be five thousand plus , that of course is a matter of whether there is demand , now my my conclusion , from my fairly extensive knowledge of Greater York , is that you just could not fit a new settlement that size satisfactorily into the settlement and landscape pattern of Greater York , or its immediate surrounds , I just can not identify a location where that could be where where the roads , the public transport , the landscape , or indeed the agricultural land quality , from now onto five an area , suitably large for that type of what would be a a new town .
2 To show his annoyance , Clive 's reaction was to leave his car in the car park that evening so that , whatever time his boss arrived the next day , he would think he was in .
3 The panel of forecasters polled by The Economist each month currently has an average forecast of only 0.8% growth in Japan .
4 Slowly and hesitantly , the Big Six attempted to rebuild bridges to its alienated customers by producing and promoting cask conditioned beer again .
5 It 's fortunate that the requirements are that only details of regulations need be published making it possible to summarise the regulations and translate them into a more user friendly language yet still comply with the law .
6 But hang on to your water and electricity shares for the winter , just in case economic recovery once again takes longer than the boffins say .
7 My ambition is to have a different look each day so that I ca n't be labelled . ’
8 Under cover of darkness , the friend took the body ashore and , on that lonely west facing beach far from human habitation , the shallow grave was dug .
9 Er indeed the directive was promulgated as the minister said but I do n't think it was a bolt out of the blue , it was of course something that we around for some considerable time before that and of course that excuse hardly applies to the delay in establishing the European parliamentary constituency committees , er as the minister er will know very well , it was merely a matter of seven weeks , er the excuse being that had they had another seven weeks they could have had the public inquiry stage , the reality of course was that there was plenty of time to do this in good time and in good order and without the confusion that exists now er around the candidatures and the boundaries of the existing European boundaries .
10 In one of those announcements that trigger a double take in observers who find it hard to believe the function had not been available for years , IBM Corp this week finally added Ethernet support for the 3174 cluster controller , long after most users must have given up on the idea and made other arrangements .
11 Do n't assume you 're being told the whole story this week just because you ca n't imagine how anyone could distort it .
12 I do n't remember it being that much last year , but she 's using a different board this year so maybe that 's something to do with it .
13 Staff will recall that Penny Carter , a casual part-time member of staff in Foreign Books , appealed for money some time ago to support an evangelising trip to Russia .
14 Money some time obviously . ’
15 Where possible we use derelict land first — for instance this estate here was built on the site of a factory .
16 The production is excellent , and for the sake of the audiences at the Brunton Theatre , Musselburgh , I hope that the BBC gives the play another airing very soon .
17 Minnesota Supercomputer Center Inc has bought an early model of ‘ the most advanced tape cartridge robotic system ever produced by Storage Technology Corp ’ , Louisville , Colorado for inclusion in an enhanced mass storage environment being developed by the centre : the newly-designed robotic mechanism , which is incorporated into StorageTek 's planned PowderHorn Automated Cartridge System , operates at more than twice the speed of previous models in automatically mounting and dismounting the tape cartridges ; the centre also plans to add a Cray Y-MP C90 system to its configuration .
18 In some cases this takes place when two cells join up and exchange genes before breaking apart and then undergoing cell division some time later .
19 When a large amount of equipment was contaminated dealing with an explosion at Shell some time ago , Shell replaced it for the fire brigade .
20 Yet , this may well be the most efficient method of obtaining and channeling the Government and municipal support British sport badly needs .
21 This was the first case investigated by the Glasgow Police as opposed to the Procurator Fiscal acting together with Sherriff 's officers , and they were determined to get a conviction .
22 That 's why we 're having tunafish this evening instead of poached salmon . ’
23 Well the headmaster of this school where the kid goes to is gon na see her mum this morning so can give her the message .
24 At present English procedure only permits representative actions , whereby members of a group must have the same interest in the same proceedings ; the action can not seek damages , but only some other form of relief .
25 The newcomer is one election at the annual general meeting of members in the Mourneview Park social club tomorrow night .
26 Convenient to Bloomfield Shopping Centre and only yards from the town 's new primary school , due to open next year , prices start at £51 , for a four bedroomed 1,200sq foot detached chalet home .
27 I remember my doctor coming in my kitchen some time ago ( he 's a good friend and a gastronome and he wanted to learn ) .
28 Ade had raced Yevgeniev a number of times before that , in Paris in 1985 and in the European Indoor of 1984 , and had never beaten him , and I do n't think he would have been ahead of the Russian this time either .
29 At the course this year over 140 teachers came from various parts of Germany and the continent to take part in sessions of Expressive Dance , Duncan Dancing and International Folk Dance as well as Medau Rhythmic Movement .
30 S you could do you could do a hexagon this way actually draw a hexagon .
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