Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] over time " in BNC.

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1 It certainly can not , therefore , be used to measure change over time : one of the reasons for its use .
2 As well as differing from place to place , what is defined as crime changes over time .
3 This critique of the consequences of science and consumption culture as ideology comes from a method that is ‘ dialectical ’ ; there is a two-sided discourse that through the effect of criticism on consciousness changes over time .
4 The research undertaken on the two case studies was highly cost-effective ( £3-4,000 per 50-100 researchers ) in contrast to the co-citation and co-word studies , and resulted in clear demonstrations of the contributions made by the UK , and constituent research centres , to Ocean Currents and Protein Crystallography over time .
5 The examination of rape coverage over time shows in particular how this topic has left the narrow audience of the News of the World and has entered the popular dailies on a large scale .
6 Teachers should also discuss with pupils , and encourage them to analyse , the reasons why vocabulary changes over time — eg contact with other languages because of trade or political circumstances , fashion , effects of advertising , need for new euphemisms , new inventions and technology , changes in society .
7 This particular defence was optional in the EC Product Liability Directive but has been adopted in the United Kingdom ; it seems sensible because standards of safety change over time and what might seem perfectly acceptable now might be considered grossly unsafe in a few years time .
8 I say ‘ more or less stable ’ because , of course , conventions of meaning change over time .
9 Reduce grade change over time
10 Their nature changes over time and requires couples to renegotiate their covenant with each other time and time again .
11 This meant that the scope for comparing establishment behaviour over time , which would provide some indication of whether there has been any increase in the use of temporary workers [ see Chapter 7 ] , was rather limited .
12 The more difficult question to answer is whether these leptokurtic distributions arise because futures price changes ( or returns ) are normally distributed , but the variance changes over time , thus supporting the mixture-of-distributions hypothesis , or are drawn from a stable Pareto distribution .
13 It is clear from data on occupations drawn from the decennial censuses that retirement for men over the age of 65 was increasing from 1881 , almost thirty years before the introduction of a state pension ; and modern evidence from the United States gives good grounds for believing that , in some circumstances at least , changes in retirement age over time represent a supply-side factor , with people choosing retirement before they become incapable of work .
14 By comparing the labour supply data of different groups facing different tax rates over time , it is possible to build statistical models that include a measure of labour supply response .
15 This points not only to a severe differential in the quality of jobs between north and south but also to a differential in their rate of job growth over time .
16 These reasons may conflict and their emphasis change over time .
17 The health service members ( principally community mental handicap nurses and therapists ) were almost an exact mirror image — they concentrated on a casework approach — although there is some slight hint in Table 3 of a shift towards more service development activities over time .
18 An implication of the last point is that even when the initial exposure to the stimulus has been prolonged or has involved repeated presentations , it should be possible to detect some loss of the latent inhibition effect over time , provided the interval before the start of conditioning is long enough .
19 We know little of how this relationship changes over time .
20 Figure 8.9 Variance of futures price changes over time
21 Figure 8.10 Variance of futures price changes over time
22 Particular attention is paid to the methodological problems of identifying and linking long distance migrants over time in origin and destination areas and the project appraises the use of computer linkage techniques in historical research .
23 One other study , in which a group of 341 epidemiologists had H pylori antibody state assessed over a mean period of 8.5 years , also showed a low rate of serovonversion to a positive antibody state over time , ( 0.49% per person year ) .
24 It is important to realize then that our symptoms , produced in response to stress , are not solely based upon the stress occurring at the given time , but upon all the stress accumulated in our stress glass over time .
25 Unfortunately , there are still enormous gaps and matters of controversy in our understanding of both the wide variations in strike activity over time and the wide variations in strike activity between Britain and other countries .
26 The aim of this research is to investigate empirically the variations in Britain 's strike activity over time and the variations between Britain and other EEC countries in the post-war period .
27 ‘ Although our current target is to have about 15 per cent of the workforce directly involved in CITs , we fully intend to involve all employees in this training and teamwork experience over time . ’
28 Having arrived at a suitable total for local authority expenditure , the next problem is how to express it in a way that allows comparisons to be made either with other contemporary expenditures or with local authority expenditure over time .
29 Authors have identified considerable consistency in individual authorities ' spending patterns over time despite the variation between authorities .
30 The fact that an individual 's perception of his or her needs will change over time and context .
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