Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] because we " in BNC.

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1 The really insidious and mischievous phrases are the well-established ones that come to mind unbidden because we have heard them so often .
2 What we are not sure is that at the end of the day it does n't matter all that much what exactly was the raffle and what exactly was the entrance fee because we did n't keep a note of that .
3 Paul Mayewski of the University of New Hampshire , who has compared current levels of sulphur dioxide with those after volcanic eruptions , said : " I would say that we 're underestimating the effect of warming due to carbon dioxide because we 're dumping so much sulphur dioxide into the system " .
4 If there 's erm For instance I 've had a situation where on a medical practice booklet because we er hand back a hundred pound for every full page that we we gain in the medical practice booklet , er it 's an encouragement for if we 're just a quarter of a half page short , er for the practice to say you know we 'll get for another hundred quid we 'd all we need to do is make a couple of phone calls and threaten erm one or two of our patients .
5 If we now look at the curve which shows the freon ratios in surface water and look for a ratio of two , and lining this up with the nought degree curve because we 're working with Antarctic water which of course is very cold , we can see that a ratio of two corresponds to the year nineteen fifty nine .
6 Er but we shall er we shall say , this is your home address because we shall have to tell the council , but er you 're not here , you 're at Steve 's .
7 I also remember Mr at a previous meeting told us we have no right to pontificate on Moat Centre because we did n't live there
8 As you know it , this is the last I 'm sure everyone 's aware it 's the last item on your agenda when I was looking at the agenda this item was before the fox hunting motion I thought well it 'd be nice to have a debate before the fox hunting motion because we would have er a full house of people who I 'm sure would be very interested to hear the discussion on V A T. As matter of fact I 'm sure they would w w would welcome the opportunity to have a de , a discussion , but it seems they have gone and I got , I got it wrong Chairman when you by taking the the the fox hunting motion it should really have , have held on till this time in the evening .
9 He says the county council has been trying to find out for 6 years about the planning of the east-west route because we were very worried about the effect it would have on Oxford and the countryside around Oxford .
10 Right well we call it an intro leaflet because we like misleading agenda items mostly .
11 We found out that they thought he was the captain giving out safety instructions because we were about to sink .
12 Yes , we were n't too happy with the point situation because we considered it went too low , but having said that , now that it 's been democratically voted in , we are one hundred per cent in obeyance with it and we are going to go along with it .
13 There 's been quite a change in the community dentist because we put
14 There is more job satisfaction because we can see our work bearing results see our ideas making the lives of the residents happier .
15 New acts are attracted by First Division managers because we are visible and our addresses are in Music Week .
16 Now it 's a different ball game because we I think we have an opportunity to maintain that price for a while .
17 Millions of us choose the specially prepared baby and toddler drinks because we think they must be healthier than ordinary lemonade or squash .
18 Lucker and Laverne 's mum ideally should wait together and keep each other company because we 're not going back .
19 ‘ Now County Durham are telling people they will need to cut education services because we have n't given them enough money .
20 We have four windows and four doors , we have got a there is a big hill in front of it and it is good , but if it , if the tree house because we find the , the trees and then and then we were , we play in the tree house sometimes with the dog .
21 Yeah well I I I obviously I would say this but er I think it 's the best opportunity that people have for a career direction because we we 've redirected a lot of people 's careers in this aspect .
22 If you can not meet the full cost you will still be able to move into a residential or nursing home because we can help .
23 And er we , we did erm we , we started making er bench models because we found quite a lot of these had been made in Germany .
24 We 've tried to keep our our support group also you know to go back sort of as loose as possible that we have n't great great format of a chair and a secretary and a treasurer although we do have that frame work because we 've discovered we also needed some sort of structure .
25 It might automatically be assumed that because that was the name of our branch , we should be in the public service section and that it why we 've changed the name of the branch to Bristol and District Staff because we are an odds and sods branch .
26 ‘ We endorsed their baking soda because we believe it 's a great alternative household cleaner .
27 We can not settle the theory of life histories because we can not be sure whether cave organisms put more effort into reproduction than do their relatives at the surface ; nor can we be sure whether they have reduced metabolic rates , which makes it difficult to sort out the question of adaptation .
28 I wiped the handles of the cupboards I had touched with my handkerchief , but left the cloakroom door because we all use that room .
29 and we also got peanut butter because we were under five .
30 ‘ We only recorded Weed Bus because we wanted a mono seven-inch single of us to have in our record collections !
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