Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I retrieved the case notes for as many patients as possible who had been registered locally as having died of asthma during 1980–9 ( 21 case notes out of 40 in total ) .
2 The cells would have to expend energy , in the form of adenosine triphosphate ( ATP ) , in order to pump hydrogen ions out of the cell .
3 Cleo took the velvet poison bag and the money pouch out of her drawer , together with a handful of stockings , and stuffed them into an old leather holdall in which she 'd formerly kept a collection of limbs , torsos and heads from broken porcelain dolls .
4 Simulated annealing uses random perturbations to shake the parameter values out of a local optimum so that globally optimal values may be found .
5 Darlington and District Vehicle Inspectorate , who carried out the incognito tests , have now put three MOT garages out of action and banned eight MOT testers from testing more cars .
6 In fact the members took it to a European court and spent a lot of their own money — twenty five thousand pounds — to try and get a discrimination judgement out of the European court , which failed at the last hurdle really , we think on political grounds really .
7 It will be appreciated that the signal to noise problems inherent in detecting and analysing 300 base pairs out of 3 billion ( 1 in 10 ) are very much alleviated after 30 cycles of polymerase chain reaction , when 10 copies of the 300 base pair fragment are present for every single copy of the total genomic DNA background .
8 After she 'd cleared up lunch she hoisted Ethel 's huge ox heart out of its water on to the chopping board .
9 SRU secretary , Bill Hogg , told a press briefing in Edinburgh yesterday that with the west stand out of use due to the redevelopment at Murrayfield , the intention was to host the fixtures involving Scotland A and the Scotland development XV at club grounds with the largest capacities .
10 There 's lots of fun to be had at camp — everything from cooking over an open fire to building gadgets out of sticks and string and singing round the camp fire .
11 In effect , this has forced many small to medium-sized component manufacturers out of business and encouraged larger manufacturers to internationalise their operations so that they can supply assembly plants overseas .
12 The lava had already damaged a tourist complex and put a cable car out of action .
13 Manchester City were just one of the clubs impressed by his aggressive style a style which helped dump the Frist Division side out of the Rumbelows League Cup and FA Cup at Ayresome Park .
14 Verily , these people are set upon pushing the noise boat out over the horizon until it arrives … somewhere .
15 An de Lioness dat chanting freedom fighters out fe win ,
16 I have been lucky enough to stroke porpoises from a rowing boat in Loch Torridon , swim in a deep burn with a baby otter in Ardnamurchan and help clear somebody 's cottage loft out of a deep pile of pine marten droppings .
17 He took a packet of chewing gum out of his pocket , and peeled off the wrapping ; it slipped out of his fingers , and fell over the barrier on to the seats below .
18 Piloting his tinny little car west out of Oxford with blithe disregard for the rules of the road , he declined to specify their destination — beyond the fact that it was where Morpurgo had met with his accident — and instead treated Harry to a detailed account of the death of Ramsey Everett , an account which he had previously given Heather , almost , it seemed , word for word .
19 Odd-Knut lifts his snow hook out of the snow and with a swish is gone .
20 Then , obeying an impulse she barely understood , she took the silver medallion out of the inner pocket of her bag , where she 'd zipped it for safekeeping , and fastened the chain round her neck .
21 Er first of all er P P G three and the question asked by the D O E as well that it 's sufficient justification to go further than the guidance det out in paragraph thirty three er of P P G I think it is paragraph thirty three of P P G
22 And if you want our partnership to last though this flight to Fraxilly , you 'd better do what you said and put the whole Gharr episode out of your mind . ’
23 Woolley took a bacon sandwich out of his tunic pocket .
24 For centuries , the Japanese have induced captive birds to sing their courtship songs out of season by using artificial light to lengthen the days , a method known as " yogai " .
25 Mr Lamont had cut car tax from 10 per cent to five per cent in March this year but his action failed to pull the car industry out of a three-year nose dive .
26 This was to involve the construction of a new Entrance Lock out at the main fairway into the Western Harbour and the fitting of large capacity pumping machinery to enable the total water area within the enclosed system to be maintained at an almost constant level .
27 This makes a heuristic choice of one rule R out of the conflict set , CS .
28 In my spare time I was taking boat parties out from Mid Yell , and I ‘ used ’ that animal all summer , rarely failing to find it .
29 And you used to put the pick blade into it and it was A piece cut out of it , th the blade you see ?
30 ASTON VILLA manager Ron Atkinson stormed away from Portman Road last night after seeing his side crash out of the Coca-Cola Cup .
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