Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [to-vb] a " in BNC.

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1 The Cuban decision raised immediate fears in the USA that the 1980 officially sanctioned exodus of 125,000 Cubans [ see pp. 30474-75 ] might be repeated , and there were reports that the US navy was reviewing contingency plans to mount a naval blockade .
2 ANGRY managers have drawn up contingency plans to keep an Essex port running if dockers vote for an all-out strike , it was revealed last night .
3 Will the Secretary of State ask Major-General Burden to come to west Norfolk to have a look at houses on two RAF bases , Sculthorpe and West Raynham , which may close in the future ?
4 Now Scottish Natural Heritage will pay crofters in an area north of Uig — the bird 's last stronghold on Skye — in an effort to re-establish traditional management of enclosed croft grasslands to provide a safe habitat for the corncrakes .
5 NIRVANA made a shock 11th hour decision to cancel a major home-coming show in Seattle last Sunday .
6 Robinson smiled as he lifted the plastic cover from the slop bucket to reveal a lump of excrement .
7 Once this condition is reached , say with potential difference , balance is approached much better by adjusting the quadrature component to reach a new range to that corresponds to magnitudes of potential differences indistinguishable from some new much lower minimum .
8 You do not need to be on income support to get a crisis loan but you must be able to show that it is the only means of preventing serious risk to you or your partner 's health and safety .
9 Such a hypothesis attempts to describe a whole person , and not to separate certain aspects of an individual 's life for special attention .
10 On 8 October , the Swedish government seems to have side- stepped its own strict wolf protection laws by pressuring the National Environmental Protection Board to issue a licence for her to be taken into captivity .
11 The men , who covered 1,350 miles unaided and set two world records , were said to be ‘ more dead than alive ’ when they radioed their base camp to request an airlift .
12 Further to the north you take the ferry across from East to West Cowes to avoid a big detour inland via Newport .
13 In the area of consumer use of personal computer technology , Microsoft is working with Compaq Computer Corp to develop a personal digital assistant , with cable television equipment supplier General Instrument Corp , and with ‘ Thomson , Philips and Japanese consumer electronics companies to see how personal computer intelligence can come together with consumer devices , ’ he said .
14 Mixer-feeder wagon maker Richard Keenan , Coxley Wells , Somerset , is setting up a new Keenan Nutrition division to provide a free integrated feed management package .
15 But just to prove that the rivalry is only for fun they will be working together on Easter Saturday to organise a penny mile laying in Guisborough .
16 For someone who is having regression therapy to uncover a traumatic event earlier in this present lifetime , a single session may well suffice .
17 Thus evaluation can be used for decisions about whether to continue or terminate a given course , about the modification necessary for an existing programme , about the use of various teaching methods to achieve a pre-specified goal , or about the adoption of an innovation .
18 Sunderland caretaker manager Malcolm Crosby believes his side still needs one more win to avoid going to Wembley to take on Liverpool as the only Third Division side to contest an FA Cup final .
19 As well , the Tigers ' chief political adviser , Mr Anton Balasingham , said the guerrillas would not contest elections until the government drops a constitutional amendment requiring election candidates to swear an oath of allegiance to a unitary state .
20 The Green Party has issued a challenge to all election candidates to sign a Green Charter setting out the principles it hopes candidates will adopt .
21 The Green Party has issued a challenge to all election candidates to sign a Green Charter setting out the principles it hopes candidates will adopt .
22 The Green Party has issued a challenge to all election candidates to sign a Green Charter setting out the principles it hopes candidates will adopt .
23 In summary , the available evidence suggests that under normal conditions Ca 2+ permeates NMDA channels to provide a transient signal which is necessary for the induction of LTP .
24 FIG. 2 Ca 2+ permeates NMDA channels to produce a transient signal in spines in response to tetanic stimulation .
25 At best Making Belfast Work has provided the infrastructure , albeit unaccountable , to let those wanting small starter units to get a chance to carry out their business ideas .
26 US Senate armed services committee chairman Sam Nunn asked the Defence Department to conduct a further investigation , citing the statement in the ABC broadcast by Adml. ( retd ) William Crowe , former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , that the Vincennes had been in Iranian waters when it fired the missile , not in international waters as previously claimed .
27 When an accused faces a number of charges , it is very common for the defence advocate to offer a reduced plea to a number of the charges , provided others , often more serious ones , are dropped .
28 inputRoutines — Two low-level routines allowing the choice of an option and user action to end a wait period by a key press .
29 The garter carriage can be used to knit a ribbed welt , but always remember that if you set the garter carriage to knit a 24 row welt and then leave it , that is all it will achieve .
30 Ten years now he had lived in Vienna , fourteen since he had quit Russia for the last time , twenty-two since the day he had realized his boyhood ambition to become an officer in the St. Petersburg Grenadiers .
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