Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It appears that in relation to non-jury trial cases these steps have had success .
2 After putting a trial foot several times in the river , Harriet launched herself and swam as if she had been used to water all her life .
3 They are also starting to attract some of the best young talent away from the money-centre banks — and good brains allied to the skills of good management are almost as scarce as profits in America 's banking parlours these days .
4 He was leaning against the parapet rail , gazing down at the brick terrace several floors below .
5 It is rapidly becoming one of those elite research institutions some academics are looking for to improve the quality of research .
6 For instance , he collects on his little card index all references in Wells to feeding , eating , and patent medicines .
7 It disgraced itself on the Cambrian Coast Express some weeks ago and was hauled back ignominiously to the works where a tremendous flap occurred as to who paid for the necessary .
8 The interdisciplinary course offers a new and attractive way of studying at undergraduate level such subjects politics and history by focusing on the notion of conflict and the particular political and social problems arising from conflict , and in so doing seeks to identify ways of resolving them .
9 I can remember my mother telling me that he used to look out of his bedroom window many times during stormy nights .
10 During the two study periods these practices kept records of 28371 referrals .
11 The looping form of the suture lines is also characteristic Ceratites are typical of Triassic rocks and there are numerous related species differing in details of ribbing and suture lines Such ammonites are plentiful in marine limestones of the right age across the continent of Europe ( though not in England ) .
12 Twite ( 199Oa ; 1990c ) analysed four years of daily closing price data on futures on the Australian Stock Exchange All Ordinaries Share Price Index , computing returns as the natural logarithm of the price relatives .
13 I met the Manchester Olympic bid committee some weeks ago when we discussed the proposed bid that Manchester wishes to make .
14 2 The defender places both hands , palms inwards , on the back of the attacker 's hand , pressing firmly inwards .
15 After stopping the study medication all patients in both groups , continued treatment with 300 mg ranitidine at bedtime for four weeks up to the final follow up examination .
16 Once again this week you need to do the following in preparation for the " Grand Review " : review your weight loss record any reactions you experienced make a note of any foods you have discarded note the positive drinks or foods that you have discovered .
17 Erm two single bedrooms and two double bedrooms plus a living room all facilities erm except for sheets and towels .
18 Considering Permian subcrop formations these areas show no particular pattern , being associated with Westphalian A , B , C and D strata ( Fig. 12 ) .
19 The average ward population is 9488 ( Table 5.1 ) and so the RMS errors are comparatively small ( the range of RMS errors is from 815.13 for the Shotgun ordinary least squares ( OLS ) to 1035.29 for the Simple Poisson ) .
20 Daylight robbery these days , ’ said the customer ahead of her .
21 A two-control version ( the FAA type certificate still describes rudder pedals as an ‘ optional extra ’ ) it has enabled one-time helicopter pilot Dick Nesbitt-Dufort , after a car accident some years ago left him permanently on crutches , to become a well-known and successful handicap air racing competitor and enthusiastic visitor to many foreign fly-ins .
22 After watching a film of a car accident some subjects were asked the two questions in ( 3 ) .
23 She also suffered from arthritis in the wrists , the fingers and the ankles and she was unable to turn her head at all ; this was due to a car accident several years before when she had suffered from whiplash .
24 After the indium-111 and 51-chromium excretion studies all patients had a full colonoscopy or double contrast barium enema to confirm the diagnosis and to evaluate the extent of disease .
25 They used to be called tea gowns many years ago .
26 Otherwise the investor will get the bid price less charges , although the sale commission will be waived on larger amounts .
27 He has been waiting for the right offer for some time after turning down an approach from Italian club Pisa several seasons ago .
28 ‘ Carlos , how much is an axis lock crystal these days ? ’
29 Finlayson gave his wash-out signal several times , and turned westward .
30 This chapter details these processes as well as the IPG 's objectives , decisions and constraints and shows that although the activity takes place in London , bureaux needs are at the forefront of decision-making for the information system .
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