Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Sydney told Vic that there should be plenty of shell cases to be found over there , a delighted Vic explained that a workman had found hundreds and that the remains of the butts were still in place !
2 It would allow contingency plans to be made to protect the public and it would apply just as much to a series of one-day strikes as a set-piece conflict .
3 Next year , before privatisation receipts , the Red Book expects the Budget deficit to be £38 billion .
4 Similarly , a government 's decision about the proportion of its budget deficit to be financed by borrowing is affected by interest movements .
5 It enabled a rail link to be completed between Newcastle and Edinburgh , part of the North-Eastern Railway promoted by George Hudson , the ‘ Railway King ’ .
6 It wants the rail link to be built ( if nothing else , as a demonstration of the feasibility of privatising British Rail ) but Mrs Thatcher has stated quite clearly that ‘ users of the new line should pay for the full costs , including environmental costs ’ .
7 Under the new Extra Statutory Concession , the conditions for a blanket election to be accepted are that the firm must have at least 50 partners ( or fewer if at least 20 partners are not resident in the UK ) , and new partners must add their names to the election .
8 The great community spirit has enabled a children 's play park to be established close by the village hall , and more recently a sports field which has a beautiful pavilion and caters for football , cricket , tennis , bowls , and a floodlit area for football training and five-a-side tournaments throughout the winter .
9 In January of 1825 Barratt had decided upon an ambitious and costly project ; a deep adit level to be driven as a cross-cut , some 230 yds. downstream from Taylor 's Level into the eastern bank of Red Dell Beck and in a northerly direction , to come in below the old workings and to explore the vein , especially below that section expected to be opened up by Taylor 's .
10 One would expect existing sentence patterns to be stabilised in use , and to be only minimally disturbed upon being combined to form more complex syntactic units .
11 If you do not hold such a licence you may apply for Provisional LCG/PCV entitlement to be added to your ordinary licence provided it contains full car entitlement .
12 In our network 's submission on the consultation document we welcomed the opportunity for user expertise to be used in this way if properly supported and paid for .
13 Are there significant differences in transfer systems which encourage work and income support to be combined ?
14 Dedekind introduced the term number field ( Zahlkörper , in German ) to denote a collection of complex numbers satisfying the field axioms to be found in Definition 3.2.2(10) .
15 Converter rules to be relaxed
16 The new science centre would be a clearing-house for developing and funding projects to be carried out primarily in the republics of the former Soviet Union , the announcement said .
17 But how is the income reduction to be achieved ?
18 An alternative method for dealing with vector elements of different lengths is for an increment value of one always to be used , but for the modifier field to be suitably manipulated when an element is accessed .
19 Wheat has been found by allergy experts to be one of the foods that are most likely to cause a reaction in the body .
20 Irvine , California-based Pick Systems in its umpteenth resurgence has rehired two of its old lieutenants : Richard Lauer , who 's been off for six years at Sequoia Computer Systems Inc , returns as vice president , sales and Tim Holland , credited with many of Pick 's technical developments , returns from stints at Sequoia and Concurrent Computer Corp to be senior vice president , technology .
21 Pick Systems in its umpteenth resurgence has rehired two of its old lieutenants : Richard Lauer , who 's been off for six years at Sequoia Computer Systems Inc , returns as vice president , sales and Tim Holland , credited with many of Pick 's technical developments , returns from stints at Sequoia and Concurrent Computer Corp to be senior vice president , technology .
22 Evaluating the desirability of any change in the income distribution involves ‘ the ’ great unresolved question in economics , i.e. , How are income distributions to be compared and ranked ?
23 non-CASE students were twice as likely as their CASE peers to be working in education ;
24 These usually have access doors to enable drain rods to be inserted .
25 ‘ A number of distinguished engineers have been Whitworth Scholars , and we expect this year 's award winners to be high achievers in their subsequent careers , ’ he said .
26 I understand the hon. Gentleman 's concern , which is shared by my Department , but I do not think that on reflection he would want the defence industry to be singled out for particular treatment from our other manufacturing industries .
27 The debate on the Bill to bring back whipping was a thoroughly undignified affair in which the principles of the matter seemed to count less than considerations such as the size and weight of the flogging instrument to be used : calculations made necessary no less by the desire to limit the discretion of ‘ judges infected by maudlin sentimentality ’ , than by the requirement that it should measure up to the brutes who were ‘ so degraded , that they could only be deterred by forcible appeals to their fear of physical pain ’ .
28 Consideration of the Commission 's proposal for the telematics programme by both the European Parliament and the advisory bodies to the Research Council is going on apace and it is hoped that this programme will be one of the first from the third Framework programme to be adopted in 1991 .
29 It seems likely that the new CPE guidelines to be published later this year will further publicise and extend the acceptability of DIY-structured CPE .
30 In the UK , Cambridge-based CadCentre 's GNC Plus is to support Hewlett-Packard 's 9000 series 700 workstations : GNC Plus , its Unix Cam package it allows CAD-generated component designs to be turned directly into machining programs for NC/CNC tools .
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