Example sentences of "[vb infin] seemed [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The 72 might have seemed boring but it put him in charge .
2 Such timber buildings would have been built using the accumulated experience of the community and would not have seemed such an intricate task to those who regularly witnessed the activity .
3 Her school has a high proportion of ethnic minority children where I felt Balbinder might not have seemed such a problem .
4 Given that precedent , the institution by Thomas Attwood , a banker , of the Birmingham Political Union of the Lower and Middle Classes , to be followed at once by the creation all over the country of other political unions , must have seemed ominous .
5 Yet , I always conclude , it might have seemed strange and unnatural to have shown too much feeling ; strange , and perhaps embarrassing and out of order , I being somewhat far down in the family hierarchy .
6 It must have seemed strange to have found herself keeping house for my grandfather and his daughters .
7 It would have seemed strange to those who had known Nigel in his early days as a conscientious objector to find him cheering the prime minister through the Falklands War .
8 The south stand in particular looked like a midwinter Halifax v Northampton reserves match , and it must have seemed strange on tv .
9 It would have seemed cumbersome and redundant , both for the player and to the builder .
10 His patronage may have seemed essential to the architects of that time , although corporate clients were emerging , such as Poor Law Boards , or boards of directors of railway companies .
11 They have explained that the exemption might have seemed appropriate in Hale 's time but is incompatible with the status of married women today .
12 True , extreme poverty and hardship had driven him to the point when suicide must have seemed preferable to the life he was leading .
13 For anyone else this might have seemed ample funds for an expedition , but for Gould , the cautious man of commerce , even this nest-egg had to be used sparingly .
14 This triple set holds enough gems to keep you interested , the history is fascinating and even the disasters , which must have seemed ridiculous even then , have a certain kitsch value .
15 He should have seemed ridiculous , the big man , demonstrating how he had put a girl to flight , but I felt sorry for him .
16 Obispal believed in the force of will , in his own ruthless aura ; and indeed , except for the evidence of lurid , puckered scar tissue across one cheek , he might have seemed invulnerable .
17 WITH the eradication of smallpox by WHO 's successful vaccination campaign , it may have seemed that vaccinia , the cowpox virus that is the basis for the vaccine and which gave vaccination its name , might at last be ready to bow out from its central role in world medicine .
18 More subtle than corruption , but just as damaging to the judicial process , were variations in court procedure which must have seemed arbitrary to many Sri Lankans .
19 To have urged Jean-Claude would have seemed indecent .
20 Pericles overlapped with Ephialtes , and both with Kimon ; and for a while it may have seemed feasible to operate Kimonian politics alongside those of his more radical competitors .
21 To the first readers of Middlemarch , however , an elaboration of her plans might have seemed redundant , for if her ambitions were unusual in her own time , they were routine responsibilities by the 1870s .
22 For those who regard ethnic origin as an important part of the explanation , this might have seemed odd , for Lenin was , despite recent disputes , solidly Russian , whereas much of the intellectual leadership of the rest of European Social Democracy was drawn from minorities — Rosa Luxemburg was Polish and Jewish , Piatakov was Ukrainian , Bauer and Karl Kautsky were Austrian and Jewish etc .
23 This might have seemed odd , coming as it did less than a week after Franco 's bellicose public references to Gibraltar .
24 A statement that , to viewers from outside the north west of England , must have seemed bewildering .
25 Back in 1973 such fears would have seemed absurd .
26 The time when scruples about extrapolating from studies on animals to humans would have seemed absurd , because it was widely held that basic behavioural processes were common to all species and that the complexity of behaviour was simply a function of the capacity of the organism to learn , is long since past .
27 The idea that supermarkets should be built on green field sites out of town rather than in the High Street would have seemed absurd only a few years ago .
28 A priori it might have seemed logical that as these increase and spread , they would render the state pension superfluous and enable the system of compulsory redistribution which finances it to be discontinued progressively .
29 After what he had told me , or thought he had told me , it must have seemed reasonable .
30 But even if I 'd thought , it would n't have seemed right to go poking and prying with her only just dead .
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