Example sentences of "[pos pn] majesty 's " in BNC.

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31 It is Her Majesty 's ministers in the United Kingdom — who else ?
32 In Britain the most brutal , and wide ranging racism which occurs day after day is not the work of fascist minority parties but of Her Majesty 's Government .
33 Safra has a defence agreement with the UK , and Her Majesty 's Government is obliged to deploy military force to assist in restoring the island 's independence .
34 The report made a series of recommendations on increasing CID strength , which has fallen sharply from 10 per cent of the force in 1973 to 7.4 per cent , despite an overall large increase in numbers and a recommendation by Her Majesty 's Inspectorate that provincial CIDs should make up 12.4 per cent of police .
35 Instead of all the new controls being policed by the National Rivers Authority some of the responsibility was being handed over to Her Majesty 's Inpsector of Pollution , with decisions being taken by the Department of Environment .
36 AYOUTH was sentenced to be detained at Her Majesty 's pleasure at the Old Bailey yesterday for the murder of baby Christopher Palmer while the mother was convicted of cruelty but cleared of murder and manslaughter .
37 THE Government was urged yesterday to tackle staff shortages and poor morale in Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution , as concern grew over its ability to cope with the demands of the Environmental Protection Bill .
38 HER Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution will receive the necessary resources to police the controls in the forthcoming green bill , the Environment Secretary , Mr Chris Patten , said yesterday .
39 The whole scheme will be policed by Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution , currently seriously understaffed with suitable recruits hard to find .
40 Factories will be required to obtain prior authorisation from Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution to carry out industrial processes .
41 At a press conference he committed himself to a big recruitment drive for Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution , and , if necessary , to putting more resources into local authorities in order to make the bill work .
42 Now , for the most polluting substances , control over their impact on the environment as a whole will be consolidated in the hands of one agency , Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution ( HMIP ) .
43 The finding follows a study by Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of reading among children aged five to 14 made just before the introduction of the national curriculum last September .
44 They would , in return , assign not only their Polaris submarines , but also their V-bombers and tactical nuclear delivery systems to NATO , subject to the usual overriding proviso : ‘ except where Her Majesty 's Government may decide that the supreme national interests are at stake .
45 Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Schools is more of a lap-dog than a rottweiler .
46 In addition to the secretary of state for the environment , the director-general of water services , and the EC commissioners , regulators include the Monopolies and Mergers Commission ( which has already stepped in to prevent unwelcome mergers ) ; the local authorities ( responsible for monitoring and controlling the standard of clean water supplies ) ; the Drinking Water Inspectorate ( the auditor of technical standards ) ; the National Rivers Authority ( responsible for monitoring and controlling pollution in rivers , lakes and coastal waters , and for maintaining sea walls ) ; Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution , HMIP ( which grants consents for the release of toxic substances into the environment ) ; and the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food ( responsible for granting consents for disposals at sea ) .
47 Bond treated each assignment on Her Majesty 's Secret Service as an invitation to a gastronomic and sexual binge .
48 Do the mindless individuals who use unspeakable language in the streets and hurl vile insults at Her Majesty 's representatives and other dignatories ever pause to reflect that our standard of living , our Welfare State services … our economic health all depend on our links with Great Britain ?
49 On 23 February 1972 , the DUP took a major step towards establishing its own political identity when the four MPs crossed the floor of the house to take up the position left vacant by the withdrawal of the Catholic SDLP as Her Majesty 's Loyal Opposition at Stormont .
50 The DUP says that Republican violence paid off in the disarming of the RUC , the disbanding of the B Specials , the banning of Orange , Black and Apprentice Boys ' parades resulting in the imprisonment of Loyalists , the overthrow of Ulster 's parliament , the plan for talks with Dublin to change the status of Northern Ireland within the United Kingdom , the abolishing of the Oath of Allegiance to the Queen in the new Assembly and Executive , the making of such oaths illegal for appointment to government boards , the removal of the Governor , the obliteration of ‘ On Her Majesty 's Service ’ from official paid envelopes , the attempt to destroy democracy by power-sharing which was a blow at the secrecy of the ballot box and an insult to British citizenship and standards , the proposal to set up machinery for the transfer of Northern Ireland 's powers to a body or bodies in or with the Irish Republic , and the continued existence of areas in Northern Ireland where the Queen 's writ did not effectually run .
51 It has to be said that fox-hunters are not the least quarrelsome of Her Majesty 's subjects , but they are as mewling , puking , bairns when compared with church persons .
52 Her Majesty 's Government is also involved , for it is planning to set up the BritTrak Consortium which would reduce the rail network to a single , high profit track , ‘ running from the City to a decent little pub in Chobham ’ .
53 THE TEXT of the Maastricht Treaty , which finally went on sale at Her Majesty 's Stationery Office ( HMSO ) in London last month , has been withdrawn , apparently because of a row over the spelling of ‘ ecu ’ , the European currency unit .
54 The great and universal charge of low expectations which Her Majesty 's Inspectors throw at teachers today did not apply .
55 ‘ No matter what happens electorally , dozens will be ordered , ’ says Her Majesty 's Stationery Office .
56 Soon , with his promised posting to Mrs Thatcher 's office , he would see it from inside the office of the Leader of Her Majesty 's Loyal Opposition .
57 And did the fourth consecutive Tory victory imply that Her Majesty 's loyal Opposition was destined to remain so for the foreseeable future ?
58 Public registers are now provided by bodies such as the National Rivers Authority and Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution .
59 We will establish a new Environment Agency which will bring together the functions of the National Rivers Authority , Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution and the waste regulation functions of local authorities .
60 Our Education Standards Commission , together with her Majesty 's Inspectors , will monitor the performance of every school .
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