Example sentences of "[vb mod] argue [conj] " in BNC.

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1 If they are not , then the purchaser should argue that it should be able to enforce warranties against the vendor for such matters for which the vendor may subsequently be able to enforce ( via its own warranties ) against the third party who originally sold to the vendor .
2 You might argue that such an investigation , though time-consuming , would enable you to build up the picture you want .
3 Or you might argue that they were misleading after all .
4 The sceptic might argue that the modern Roman Catholic Church in civilized societies no longer acts in this way but the convinced anti-Catholic can turn Rome 's own claims to be unchanging back on the Catholic Church and insist that the basic aim remains the same .
5 Scrupulous analysers of elections might argue that the proportion of Free Presbyterians in these contests was artificially inflated by the election pact with Vanguard .
6 Others might argue that this idea of the personal as a form of unity admitting the most internal complexity is beside the point .
7 Some might argue that it was running backwards .
8 perhaps some of the real and practical problems of user education may not have been tackled , but some might argue that these might be better researched at single-institutional level , without the necessity of substantial , outside funding .
9 A one-time regular denizen of city theatres and radio broadcast suites , one might argue that only an ex-Goon would have chosen to live along Dumb Woman 's Lane in a small hamlet near Rye in West Sussex .
10 Gibson Keddie might argue that Jack Bruce is the most famous exponent of the Bass VI , but the argument is n't convincing .
11 Some people might argue that responsibility restricts freedom : they are ignoring our needs to be dependent on others and to have others dependent on us — our sense of belonging .
12 Many analysts might argue that the exploration of the unconscious can take place sensibly only within their particular therapeutic discipline , and lies outside the competence of most public sector practitioners .
13 One might argue that this feature of hypertext will forever prevent it from being convertible into cohesive linear form .
14 You might argue that the only way for a nurse to learn how to dress a wound or administer an injection is by observing and practising the skill until she is competent .
15 However , Marx might argue that because the character of societies is what it is , the demand is not superfluous in the case of social theory , but is a particularly pertinent one .
16 Editors might argue that because we live in a highly competitive world in which authors , readers , and advertisers can all go elsewhere with ease we are already sufficiently accountable .
17 One might argue that Montini , who had more ‘ on-the-job ’ training for the office of pope and was intellectually better prepared for it than anyone since Benedict XIV in the eighteenth century , became pope too late to give of his best .
18 The Home Secretary , Sir Samuel Hoare , noted that any influx of refugees from the continent might bring together the political extremes — the fascists who had been attacking the Jews for three years and the communists and other left-wing elements who might argue that Jewish refugees were taking away Gentile employment .
19 Firstly , it might argue that so much of what doctors do lacks solid scientific support that it would be ludicrous to try to insist that all doctors practise scientifically valid medicine all the time .
20 I might argue that a particular capitalist economist is so embedded in the political and economic structure of the society that employs him that he fails to represent adequately the challenge levelled by ‘ political economy ’ to the perspective he purveys , and thus fails to take into account multiple points of view .
21 In these terms one might argue that some languages ‘ give away ’ more about the status of a speaker ( and the relationship with an interlocutor ) through their grammatical structure , while others do so through paralinguistic features .
22 A cynical observer might argue that the assembly of a £5 million bid might easily be described as ‘ something being done ’ , and the failure of the attempt can hardly be viewed as a positive step , even if the debate on the estate 's future is now reopened .
23 We might argue that while we can hold her responsible , the consequences of so doing turn out to be unacceptable .
24 Some might argue that there is a contradiction between our definition of the upper class ( based on Marxist theory ) and our use of Weberian concepts such as status and social closure .
25 Some might say it presents an idealistic picture of family life ; others that it is a reactionary attempt to turn the clock back on the women 's movement ; yet others might argue that she has gone beyond the available evidence in concluding , or at least implying , that delinquency might result from early day-care experiences .
26 She argued that if women were paid the same as men " it would result in many women being dismissed from many trades " , and also accepted without demur , when giving evidence to the Fair Wages Committee a few years later , the proposition that women were satisfied with less money because they were earning " pin money " if married , and " pocket money " if not.38 With such pessimism about equal pay entrenched in the mind of their organizers , with such low evaluation being set on their work , one might argue that it would have been surprising if a militant women 's union could really be organized in the prevailing atmosphere .
27 Thus I might argue that to know you must be certain , but that one can never be really certain and hence one can never really know .
28 Teachers of mother tongue students might argue that their students already have oral and communicative skills , that what they need is to learn and demonstrate literacy , that putting full stops in the right place and writing grammatical sentences is a sign of this literacy .
29 In reply , the restructuring school , while agreeing that it is important to distinguish long-term and short-term changes , might argue that within any long-term decentralization there have been periods of crucial importance .
30 By analogy , one might argue that in a democracy in which the people are , in effect , sovereign , the only effective restraint in the last resort is likely to be that of the people over themselves .
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