Example sentences of "[subord] your lordship " in BNC.

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1 My Lord it may help to say that if your Lordship does this reading my Lord , I do n't intend to take your Lordship through the documents any more myself in opening , because I think once your Lordship has has seen the extent of it , I 'm going to call Mr to give evidence and go to through the documentation that way , once .
2 ‘ None can know better than your lordship the importance of Berwick Castle , ’ Ramsay went on .
3 If the judge intimates that you should take a certain course , say : ‘ If your lordship pleases . ’
4 " Quite sure , my lord , " said the jackal , " and if your lordship 's eyes had not been dazzled — ahem — by the sun , your lordship would have seen the woman 's pigtail hanging down behind her . "
5 Er , and if your Lordship is happy to do that then I can open it now and indicate what the case is about and invite you to take some time .
6 He 's a man who erm is qualified in the field of computer sciences and if your Lordship will hear has worked throughout his life in the fields of computers , banking and er in March of nineteen eighty five he left employment with a company known as Data Logic Limited where he had been employed as a banking consultant and decided at that stage er on a change of career erm and he was looking principally to acquire a wine bar , restaurant , country house hotel , something of that nature and er you will hear that after some early disappointments in the earlier part of nineteen eighty five when deals that er were on the horizon for premises in Oxfordshire and then in Chichester erm in early September the plaintiffs er saw and liked the wine bar in and offered the price of , the asking price of seventy five thousand pounds with stock er which was accepted .
7 The plaintiffs claim that they suffered loss and damage as a result of the defendants breach of contract er my Lord erm essentially having completed on this purchase they then tried er to run the business financially and in accordance with the terms of the lease , erm but it 's all been the plaintiff 's evidence that right from the start erm he was well prepared that there was insufficient working capital and insufficient funds er to run this business properly and efficiently and indeed shortly after purchasing it advice was sought about er re-sale and er if your Lordship looks at page eighty eight of the pleadings bundle which twenty one the plaintiff 's case on page eighty eight , the top of the page my Lord .
8 Er my Lord er the second observation I make about erm Mr opinion erm and the facts upon which it is based is that his opinion is hotly disputed er , not least because of what it would be submitted is the highly speculative nature of this enterprise er , when you are being asked to consider with the benefit of hindsight , whether or not a business entered into some eighty years ago , was likely to have failed and er it is also an exercise which in my submission is entirely irrelevant if your Lordship would find the basis of compensation which I contend for is the one because the logic of not having to become involved in any investigation of whether or not this business would probably have been unsuccessful in any event .
9 I accept that erm and of course he 's dealing with it , approaching it from the basis that that factual issue is one she 's resolved in favour of the plaintiff erm it may be that there 's very little issue between us , it may be that the defendant would concede if your Lordship were to find that er the plaintiff had been asking Mr on several occasions to get him out of the contract , it may be conceded , I know not .
10 My learned friend and I thought that if your Lordship wanted to look at the documentation so that your Lordship is familiar with some of the documentation which is going to be referred to in the evidence , er simply to enable your Lordship to be er a little more familiar with the nature of content of some of the documentation then the crucial documents are those of pages one seven eight to four two five , bundle B.
11 My Lord it may help to say that if your Lordship does this reading my Lord , I do n't intend to take your Lordship through the documents any more myself in opening , because I think once your Lordship has has seen the extent of it , I 'm going to call Mr to give evidence and go to through the documentation that way , once .
12 My Lord I think it 's right that that it 's clear from the discussions I 've had with Mr that the plaintiff is going to be in the witness box for some considerable time and I think if your Lordship 's had an opportunity to read the witness statement , seen the areas of dispute , the nature of the the fact that arised and had a look at some of the documentation , it would be much er er a much speedier process than it would otherwise be .
13 My Lord I can tell you that I do have a copy for the jury if your Lordship thinks .
14 My Lord in making my main submissions to your Lordship , erm , I submitted and this is position that there is no distinction between public and private acts , in the British Rail Board both the act and the central fund byelaw should be taken as valid in the interim if your Lordship is minded to make a reference , unless strong evidence of invalidity is , so your Lordship if you make a reference it needs to form a view as to the strength of the
15 but should you have , should you have doubts about that my Lord then er what we urged your Lordship to do would be in your judgment er to include a consideration of the strength of the case er your Lordship is seized of the matter now , if your Lordship er considers that there are issues of law which require clarification from the European court of justice and in competition cases all the European court candid on references is to give guidance on questions of law , your Lordship identifies questions of law which need to be i which need to be resolved and you think that it is the most appropriate course to refer a question , then we would ask that your Lordship consider in the interim the position of the , the Lloyds Act clauses there are sort to be challenged by the defences because it will be
16 and erm , but the Commission , I 'm , I 'm sure if your Lordship asked for expedition , would seek to deal with the matter expeditiously
17 no my Lord that 's right , but , but , that does n't mean to say that if your Lordship did n't stayed there would be any , if your Lordship did or did n't stayed or any part of it does n't compute a validity of section fourteen until one 's got a judgment saying , it 's bad for example , I mean that 's what we 're arguing about until such and the
18 no my Lord that 's right , but , but , that does n't mean to say that if your Lordship did n't stayed there would be any , if your Lordship did or did n't stayed or any part of it does n't compute a validity of section fourteen until one 's got a judgment saying , it 's bad for example , I mean that 's what we 're arguing about until such and the
19 my Lord erm first of all if your Lordship stayed the counterclaim your Lordship would be staying the claim under article eighty five and your Lordship would be denying the direct effect of article eighty five and of course
20 the state of the premium trust funds , these are the sorts of consideration one would need to take into account , er a no doubt they would , they 'd need to be argued fully at a , at a later stage , but the only question here is , if your Lordship refers and there 's going to be some delay , well , erm , I was trying to think of an analogous case er and the case which went to the European court at the beginning of last year had consequences which were potentially far more profound than this case is , it was the Case concerned the application of equal pay principles to pensions
21 because we would not be able to raise it as a shield in that one respect , now if your Lordship tried and then said well alright we stay the counterclaim is a set off , then what would your Lordship be intending to do about the remaining defences to say we 're not allowed defend our claim er at all on the basis of article eighty five will that be
22 well the , er I mean my Lord , if your Lordship
23 My Lord erm just to sweep up one or two of the other , very briefly the points my learned friend has just raised , erm I , I think it follows that our provisional position at the moment is that we think that reference is probably more satisfactory than simply going to the commission , what went , if your Lordship went to the commission and then found that they were unsatisfactory or did n't really take matters further , for one of the reasons it might very well not , is because the original complaint put to the commission was not framed in the same way as the defence and counterclaim are now framed , er there 's been a very considerable amount of refinement , both parties would no doubt wish to put submissions into the commission as to how the answer should be put or to provide information so the commission can answer them and so on and so forth and it may not be any quicker doing it that way
24 erm may I suggest Mr if your Lordship would care to sit at ten o'clock and then think he 'll get at eleven fifteen , but really in
25 question , issue three C two and three er we say that in relation to two as a matter of have categorize this as a question of law we say it probably categories a question of fact because if they 're right in there analysis of law and article eighty directive , all it means is , is that there is no market outside and that the restriction is insignificant if that being so one would answer the question , is not capable as a matter of pure law of infringing article eighty five , but in the light of the discussion yesterday afternoon of course when my learned friend comes to apply for this strike out , we may have difficulty in contesting that provision it 's not , not er , a , a major part of our case that we , we would have to re-consider it and , and I did ask your Lordship erm if your Lordship would minded to find otherwise not to block out at least the possibility of application for leave to amend and of course we 'd have to make , have to consider whether we could make a proper case out of it on what we do
26 In the event my Lord , erm , that er your Lordship felt that further guidance was required , there are the two routes that I 've indicated to your Lordship briefly yesterday , there is the route of er seeking some information , if your Lordship felt it 'd be of assistance to you in resolving any doubts that you may have from the and your Lordship has seen yesterday the notice on co-operation which is in and at page eleven thirty two and is also the exhibit
27 My Lord making my main submissions to your Lordship , erm I submitted and it is position that there is no distinction between public and private acts , the thicken in the board , both the act and the central fund by the law should be taken as valid in the interim if your Lordship is minded to make a reference unless strong evidence of invalidity is produced , so your Lordship if you make a reference it needs to form a view as to the strength of the
28 My Lord on reflection before er this officer gives evidence , er unless your Lordship rules otherwise I 'd like to make that application now and er that would allow the er jury a short period of erm rest until .
29 But I think it 's time , I think we both agree that the time er well used because it 's for the because your Lordship will have a better understanding of the evidence when the plaintiff and the defendant give it from the witness box .
30 My Lord there is a final part of our submission on on this is because I do n't know whether your Lordship has a copy of the report this is the report of the fact that My Lord erm what I wish to refer you to if I may , is erm that paragraph three one of the report which is erm that solicitors and er he instructed himself er from the law society who told him that the law society in paragraph three page five , do n't issue any specific directional guidance duty of care in relation to the plaintiffs transaction , the Law Society view obligation to be have to be considered on the basis of and he then goes on from there to depart from that approach to speculate as to what his approach would be erm
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