Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] remind " in BNC.

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1 Accordingly , an assembly such as this in England — and let me remind you there have been earlier ones , at Sheffield and Keele — is an act of homage to a great and greatly maligned poet ; but it is also , and can not help but be , a patriotic demonstration against ‘ suffocating insular coziness ’ .
2 To begin with , let me remind you that there is a very profound link between the Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit .
3 There are signs of growth , but in case there is a danger of too much optimism , let me remind the reader that as recently as 1978 the Department of Education and Science published a document entitled Primary Education in England in which drama was not mentioned .
4 For those of you who judge this too visionary , let me remind you of the line from the Psalmist : ‘ Where there is no vision , the people perish . ’
5 In case you do not read the dirty parts of the Bible , then let me remind you that the city of Sodom was earmarked for divine retribution when Abraham pleaded for it to be spared .
6 But before I try to answer these questions , let me remind you once again that there are vast areas of the globe , where ethnic politics , however embittered , are not nationalist , sometimes because the idea of an ethnically homogeneous population has been abandoned at some time in the past , or never existed — as in the US — or because the programme of setting up separate territorial , ethnic-linguistic states is both irrelevant and impractical .
7 Still on the subject of voice , let me remind you of the slogan which heralded the government 's campaign against German spies in England during the Second World War .
8 If it strikes you this way , let me remind you that Peter 's particular values are not the point at issue , and invite you to sit down quietly and compose your own , very different equivalent .
9 Erm And let me remind everybody because I do n't intend erm erm er waiting for for people to cough up on this so I would like to remind people to get , it it 's the thirteenth today .
10 Provided we take enough water with us there 's no reason why we should n't be able to hold out for a considerable time in the banqueting hall , which is in a far better situation for defence … and let me remind you that with every passing day , relief comes nearer … perhaps as much as twenty miles nearer with every day 's march …
11 We 're of the same sex , let me remind you , we 're not supposed to fall in love with one another .
12 We are coming to an end , let me remind you that er of this particular hundred , sixty three of whom have the use of a car , fifty seven have been involved in an accident , fifty seven and I 'm sure it ca n't be a , er it must be a coincidence say their personalities change behind the driving wheel
13 ‘ Then let me remind you , ’ Julius said in a very different tone of voice .
14 Let me remind you , Sir John , ’ Athelstan retorted , leaning back in his saddle , ‘ that I am a clerk , a priest , and not your messenger boy , your little lap dog !
15 ‘ If you feel somewhat vulnerable in your dressing-gown let me remind you I have seen you in your nightdress and not felt driven to mindless passion . ’
16 Let me remind you that we Yankees have won all our wars , which is more than you can say . ’
17 Let me remind you , Brother , that your own superiors have recognised the Count of Mortain as King .
18 To illustrate that point , let me remind the right hon. Gentleman of what his right hon. Friend the Chancellor said : ’ wait and see if this convergence happens . ’
19 Let me remind you , ’ said Robert , ‘ of one of the hadiths of the prophet .
20 If the reader is tempted to doubt the general validity of such a concrete and specific historical instance , let me remind him that Campanella — an ostensibly Christian author , be it noted — makes it perfectly clear that in his socialist utopia , the City of the Sun , ‘ no one can receive gifts from another .
21 ‘ Captain Carter , let me remind you that this Priory , of which I am in charge , is not only a house of God , it is a place where we attend to the sick and the dying .
22 ‘ In the circumstances , I think we will follow you , but let me remind you that we are envoys of His Gracious Majesty King Henry VIII of England . ’
23 Colleagues , colleagues , let me remind you once more , they need us more than we need them .
24 Folks it 's four o'clock erm just a second erm just before you go let me remind you next week it 's Laura .
25 Erm , let me remind you that at twelve o'clock today er I 've booked S O one eight .
26 And just when you thought it was safe to go out for the evening , let me remind you that Scotsport Extra Time is back after a week off .
27 Let me remind the cynics opposite that yours is the only Group on this Council which has voted against our proposals on disability .
28 Let me remind the members opposite of a Conservative Group policy document on disability that was produced in 1987 .
29 Conservative in , three times that for which we put on for and let me remind you again that out of that seventeen pounds , you put eleven on , not us , you put it on .
30 Hunting , let me remind those on the other side here , is still a lawful activity it 's no good saying , ah , well Parliament 's gon na pass an act against it soon .
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