Example sentences of "[vb past] ceased to " in BNC.

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1 Not stay and wait to be thrown out after they 'd ceased to be any use to the old baggage .
2 She 'd had a dream once in which she 'd ceased to be herself , and had to walk amidst crowds of jeering people , asking them who she was .
3 Whether because they had ceased to be pleased about her birthday or simply because they were tired , she did not know .
4 And here was Conservatism , with a do-nothing prime minister in Mr Baldwin , with an out-of-date commitment to maintaining the British Empire in a world where it had ceased to be possible or right to maintain it , so that we spent millions in building a fortress at Singapore while we spent nothing more on housing or education .
5 By this time the personnel function in ICI had ceased to be the domain of inspired amateurs .
6 Could he still love her when she had ceased to be a symbol and walked in the lesser light of her own individuality ?
7 ‘ The barriers had ceased to be an effective protection for Names as those losing their shirts on marine syndicates are only too painfully aware , ’ he said .
8 ‘ The barriers had ceased to be an effective protection for Names as those losing their shirts on marine syndicates are only too painfully aware , ’ he said .
9 Germany was prostrate ; France had ceased to be Britain 's inveterate enemy ; and the Soviet Union had enough on its hands rebuilding Mother Russia .
10 Under the Children Act 1989 a child 's lack of suitable education had ceased to be a specific ground for taking him/her into care .
11 The church is in Romanesque style , but in this case it is mock-Romanesque , completion being many years after the style had ceased to be used .
12 Roland had ceased to be surprised that an English Department was sponsoring the study of French books .
13 The Vancouver stations were run down — and two were demolished — once Vancouver had ceased to be the main portal to the Orient with the ending of the passenger shipping services .
14 Even after he had ceased to be a Neoplatonist , St Augustine remained very much under the influence of Plato 's philosophical ideas , in particular those concerning time .
15 On Maundy Thursday , I had ceased to be a member of the top class Infants and now entered the Boys School , which at that time catered for seven to fourteen year olds — the latter being school leaving age .
16 Within a short space of time , the laboratory had ceased to be involved in the launch vehicles , themselves ( so making ‘ Jet Propulsion ’ a highly anomalous title ) , and had become connected to the newly-formed NASA empire .
17 He had taken the name of Varna from the name of the port from which he had sailed but he had lived his life in terror of deportation , a fear that had haunted him long after it had ceased to be a real threat , so that he had never been able to enjoy his son 's success , seeing it only as something which drew unwelcome attention to the Varna family .
18 By the 19th century the meat had ceased to be an ingredient and , in Mrs Beeton 's day , the mixture was cooked in elaborate , castle-shaped moulds .
19 It had ceased to be .
20 However , in this instance , the notice had been sent to an address that had ceased to be the debtor 's business address and was not his usual or last known place of residence .
21 I had ceased to be good at the convent , and now I also ceased to be either healthy or clever .
22 Pink Floyd had ceased to be a band at this stage of their career , overshadowed by the excess of past successes and Roger Waters ' ego .
23 The agricultural industry had ceased to be the greatest employer ; in 1914 about 43 per cent of the occupied population was working in agriculture in France , 35 per cent in Germany , 22 per cent in Belgium and only 8 per cent in Great Britain .
24 In historically accurate terms these settled states had ceased to be colonies fourteen years before Howard 's death , but that probably did not much matter south and west of the Red River which forms the north-east boundary of what was then known as Tejas , or Tehas .
25 Even after they had ceased to be largely print-based , most conglomerates up until the 1970s remained primarily media organizations .
26 After King Philip 's War , a relatively serious struggle with Indians in New England in the 1670s , this had ceased to be any serious danger and the frontier had been reasonably peaceful .
27 Shall we assume that the Home Secretary , too , will grant a reprieve to William Joyce ( ‘ Lord Haw Haw ’ ) because by January 3 , 1946 , the date of his execution , Germany had ceased to be an enemy country ?
28 Well before 1330 the Angevin Empire had ceased to be the dynamic and significant political force that it had been in the mid and late twelfth century .
29 Perhaps only those for whom life itself had ceased to be worth living .
30 They had ceased to be shocked by nudity , and accepted that it now happened mostly on remote beaches where it need n't offend any villagers .
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