Example sentences of "[vb past] finally arrive " in BNC.

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1 When Lotty and Rose finally arrived , they were discomfited to find Mrs Fisher , a formidable widow , and Lady Dester , a bored society beauty trying to escape male attention , already in residence .
2 The producer did finally arrive about half an hour into the party , and he scurried around meeting everyone , making up for his earlier absence .
3 It was too dark to see much of the cottage when she did finally arrive , and , in any case , getting soaked as she lifted her belongings out of the boot did not encourage her to spend time looking around .
4 He was convinced , however , that his hour had finally arrived , for the Assembly had decreed universal suffrage , and his conviction was borne out by his success in the elections , for he was returned by four separate constituencies .
5 Like a fly on an open sore , Mike harassed him , the way Randy had harassed Perdita earlier , and was too busy to notice that his father had finally arrived .
6 The pub at which they had finally arrived and had their pints had been serving up bar meals .
7 ‘ I hope so , ’ he said , in response to the suggestion that , after going through eight clubs in his short career , he had finally arrived at his spiritual home .
8 For months Weatherbury people had been discussing the party that Mr Boldwood was going to give just before Christmas , and now the day had finally arrived .
9 Suddenly there was a ring at the gate ; the police officers had finally arrived .
10 She looked again for Pete , but Pete was no longer there ; and now she could hear a scattering of spontaneous applause — applause ! — and a few cheers and whistles which told her that the host had finally arrived on the scene .
11 She 'd been waiting for this moment for so long , and all she could do , now that it had finally arrived , was think the worst of him , instead of simply being happy to see him again .
12 At great expense to ourselves , Father and I had finally arrived on the very threshold of Bukit Tengah , the Middle Mountain , and this difficult little man and his black kid were refusing to proceed .
13 Jenna did n't know if he meant that they had finally arrived after a long journey or if he was reliving his youth here , claiming his past again .
14 He had ordered the William Ashbless poetry over a month ago , and now it had finally arrived .
15 De Gaulle recognized that the crisis that he had been anticipating since 1946 had finally arrived .
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