Example sentences of "[coord] reads [art] " in BNC.

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1 There is one poem in which the I dominates to a remarkable extent and which , since it has been read literally , might seem an exception to my argument , namely 62 : If one reads only as far as this point , or reads the rest of the poem inattentively , one might indeed take this as an attack by the poet on his own narcissism .
2 Lastly the best man or the toastmaster reads the telegrams in full if there are only a few , or reads the wittiest in full and then just gives the names of the senders of the others if there are many .
3 And reads a book .
4 and reads a verdict
5 ( Max humors him and reads a book . )
6 Computers would compete with manual labourers , but Western countries had been losing their jobs for years already ( as anyone knows who buys plimsolls in the supermarket and reads the label . )
7 The clerk stands and reads the charge .
8 A Unix machine automatically makes a call to a meter , and reads the information stored there .
9 He lives with his wife and three children in London 's wealthy Kensington district , works in a book-lined study and reads the Daily Telegraph and the Financial Times — both good for stock-market coverage .
10 An observer summed up the typical bourgeois of Lille as a man who ‘ fears God , but above all his wife , and reads the Echo du Nord ’ , and this is at least as likely a reading of the facts of bourgeois family life as the male-formulated theory of female helplessness and dependence , sometimes pathologically exaggerated into the masculine dream , and occasional practice , of the child-wife selected and formed by the future husband .
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