Example sentences of "[coord] demand for " in BNC.

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1 Mogulof ( 1974 ) sees a dialectic in which the establishment and the change agent system determine how much participation they will allow , while the client system decides how strong is its desire or demand for participation .
2 Gas is an environmentally-friendly fuel and demand for it is increasing .
3 The growing trend towards independent travel and demand for escapes to the Great Outdoors have prompted operators to court would-be explorers with adventurous options from high-speed , white-water rafting to camping , canoeing , mountain-climbing and ranching .
4 Another was the increased availability of , and demand for , cocaine .
5 Banning importation , for example , often creates a market and demand for something else .
6 It is a particular advantage of stock revision that titles which have been sparingly ordered originally ( probably shortly after publication , when the quality and demand for the book would be largely unknown ) can be later duplicated , or triplicated , after a proper study of the demand .
7 In addition to these data requirements , such users are also interested in developing their capabilities for modelling the changing relationships between the supply and demand for infrastructure in the context of both public and private sector decision-making .
8 He taught me the lesson of supply and demand for , although quite willing to swap , he demanded twelve of my Anstie spares for the one card .
9 A spokesman for an industry lobby group , the Atomic Industrial Forum , assured New Scientist that , as the economy picks up and demand for electricity grows , states will reconsider their gloomy assessment of the atom .
10 The pattern of the supply and demand for cooking energy is extremely complex .
11 The groups believe that the demand from consumers is increasing : in the first six months of 1989 , sales of organic meat trebled , fruit and vegetable sales doubled and demand for organic cereals by millers quadrupled .
12 Firstly , as needs are not static , improved liaison between suppliers and users could prove to be the best way to ensure a close match between future supply of , and demand for , courses .
13 King described it as ‘ a phenomenal card ’ but really it was an opportunity to promote a war of words between two of the fighters , Chavez and Norris , to build up anticipation and demand for them to meet in the ring .
14 Sales of co-ordinate measuring machines and laser calibration products increased , and demand for the group 's new products , the Cyclone scanning machine and the Raman microscope , which began shipping at the end of June , were promising .
15 Since then a report of the Royal College of Physicians has also emphasised the need for a comprehensive approach to the problem which takes account of the wide range of factors influencing both the supply of tobacco products and demand for them by young people .
16 One reason is that current account flows no longer dominate the supply of and demand for currencies , and that capital transactions have assumed a greater relative importance .
17 Demand for cars from WG would increase ( UK imports ) and demand for UK cars would decline ( UK exports ) , but this would also result in an increase in UK residents ' demand for Deutschmarks and a decrease in West German residents ' demand for the pound .
18 Now that the university system is expanding again , the size of the age group is falling , and the supply and demand for places evening up , the tutorial colleges are changing once more .
19 Only for a short period in the mid-1980s , when commodity prices and demand for semi-conductors slumped , did Malaysia risk hitting its borrowing ceiling .
20 There was a rapid increase in the output of journals and books and in the range of and demand for newspapers .
21 However , the national financial and economic climate prevailing at any given time has influenced the supply and demand for such housing , and prices have altered at different rates ( almost always increasing ) during this period .
22 All these data indicate a considerable need for rural council houses , and authors such as Shucksmith , Newby and Larkin argue that need and demand for council housing outstrip the supply and any foreseeable increase in supply .
23 These have proved difficult if not impossible to pin down in any precise terms and demand for them appears to be similarly volatile … .
24 Although our understanding of the whole and individual elements of the recreation system is very imperfect , we do know the main activities which generate the greatest growth and demand for space and we can identify current and potential conflicts with other land use activities .
25 The government did not have to concern itself with the balance of payments ( which was always expected to be favourable or self-adjusting ) , free trade meant that there was no need for elaborate connections with industry , the level of employment had to be left to the supply and demand for labour , and all that the government should do was elementary regulation in the interests of those sections of the community unable to defend themselves .
26 More seriously there was , and still is , great confusion about need and demand for service .
27 This was the start of the decade when mild steel ousted wrought iron from the Clyde shipyards , and demand for the new material was almost insatiable .
28 What factors would we expect to cause changes in the supply and demand for bills ?
29 This growth of alternative markets for short-term money and the instruments that go with them has made the supply and demand for short-term money extremely competitive .
30 After you have studied these papers , I would be pleased to know if you could appear at the public inquiry to present evidence in support of the Regional Council 's case and , in particular , on the supply and demand for office floor space in the Edinburgh area , and the poor marketability of Millerhill as a location for major office and class 4 business development .
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