Example sentences of "[coord] shouting [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was just another thing he did — like dealing with wills and conveyancing at Harris , Harris and Overdene , or shouting at Maisie to go to bed .
2 Many parents manage aggression by hitting or shouting at their child .
3 Most University graduates end up thinking that anything which involves manual work or shouting above the noise of machinery should be done by someone stupider than themselves .
4 Ralph Meeker snapped an old man 's priceless Caruso record in half in Kiss Me Deadly , Richard Conte tortured Cornel Wilde by turning up a hearing aid and shouting into it in The Big Combo , Ingrid Bergman drank the poisoned Brazilian coffee in Notorious , Charles Laughton plunged down a lift shaft in The Big Clock , Orson Welles and Rita Hayworth shot it out in a hall of mirrors in Lady from Shanghai , Edmond O'Brien lurched into a police station to report his own murder in D.O.A. , Tony Curtis was brutally beaten by a corrupt cop in Sweet Smell of Success , Laurence Harvey jumped in the lake in The Manchurian Candidate .
5 Byrne says that they added to the confusion by jumping up and down and shouting with glee .
6 Every kind of bird was circling around Little Billy and Swan , and the Minpins on their backs were waving and clapping and shouting with joy .
7 Unfortunate , because I was on ramp duty practically every night , finding the work somewhat impersonal too , the selections now being made by loudspeaker ( such was the weight of traffic ) , and having little to do but stand there drinking and shouting with my colleagues — thus denying Herta the kind of undivided attention that every young wife craves …
8 Rose gave a tiny stifled scream and the third person in the bay window proved itself to be a young man by throwing back his head and shouting with laughter .
9 He tried to introduce Meredith , holding the broken doll and shouting above xylophone clamour and a relentless pop-pop from the toy tank .
10 He joined her in the bathroom , drawing back the shower curtain and shouting above the sound of rushing water : ‘ I 've got something to tell you . ’
11 As far as I was concerned it was a nightmare , and merged in my memory with actually being evacuated ; the kids going down to Ladywell station in a crocodile on one side of the road , clutching oranges and bars of chocolate , and the mothers on the other , weeping and wailing and shouting to us across the street , lots of dwarfs and lots of Snow Whites .
12 Much to their surprise , when it was still pitch dark they were all disturbed by lights being turned on , the slamming of car doors , and their owners rushing around and shouting to each other with the raised voices of excitement and hurry .
13 Leaning her bike against the gate , she hopped up and over , then raced to the bridge and under it , and stood in the middle of the road holding both hands out and shouting to the van to stop .
14 Then they did the whole thing all over again without stirrups , and all the time talking and shouting to one another .
15 Swinging his power sword and shouting to guardsmen , the Inquisitor pounded after the fugitive alien .
16 Now let's imagine you are the noisy neighbour : you could turn the TV or radio volume down ; you could stop slamming doors ; and you could stop the children chasing around the house and shouting to each other : but that 's asking you to change your life-style completely , and it 's not really feasible .
17 He was amused to find himself surrounded by the dead mackerel of his own catch , and held one aloft , waving and shouting to his crew that if they did n't hoick him out good and quick , there 'd be no free ale in Mother Russell 's that night .
18 Soon they were calling and shouting to each other as they moved off into the forest .
19 I boosted again , head down and shouting to myself inside , screaming mentally , my voice like a press , screwing down tighter to squeeze a final effort from my legs .
20 The gang was pulling at each other , shouting obscenities , opening windows , smoking , drinking wine , pulling the bell cord and shouting for the bus to get under way .
21 Cranston took to the food like a duck to water , smacking his lips , draining the blackjack , and shouting for the taverner 's pot boy to come and fill it again .
22 I tried to stop him , but it were Mr Benedict coming down through the kitchens in such a bang and shouting for his groom that started it . ’
23 A friend of mine had one of those awful days at work when she felt like hitting everyone and shouting at everybody in sight .
24 Tock was striking at the cogs at the top of the pole , banging the machinery and shouting at it like a crazy old man .
25 Within an hour of sitting down at my old desk , reading through my old files and shouting at my not so old secretary I felt as if I 'd been away from work for maybe just a week 's holiday .
26 Sooner , rather than later , and generally after a few stiff drams , Joicey would break into the Gaelic , roaring and shouting at the top of his voice : ‘ Man to man it was in those days .
27 She could n't hear what was being said , but she saw that three caravans were standing inside the field by the gate and that several rough-looking men were raising their fists and shouting at Farmer Yatton , Angela 's father , who was ordering them out .
28 To any casual observer it would have been a very comical sight A six foot one inch hulk of a man cavorting about and shouting at nothing in particular in a moonlit pool .
29 One should be able to face death , ’ I cried earnestly , standing in the middle of this desert town and shouting at the sun .
30 At home Keith is a naughty boy and frequently has breath holding tantrums to which his parents have responded by smacking and shouting at him .
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