Example sentences of "[adv] far enough " in BNC.

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1 They had come , so far as she could tell , west and north , perhaps far enough north to turn west , that was all .
2 The red tape always seems less voluminous the farther away from headquarters you are , and Fairbanks was apparently far enough away from both U.S. , and U.S.S.R. officialdom to make the approval possible .
3 Supposing , however , the defence has to cope with attackers pushing up just far enough to catch them on the turn and stay onside .
4 I was just far enough behind not to get caught up in the thick of it .
5 Set on its own rocky peninsula overlooking the sea , the hotel at Cala Mesquida is just far enough from the hustle and bustle to make it that little bit quieter and more relaxing .
6 ‘ Perhaps it is just far enough from the place where she was killed , to divert our attention . ’
7 The trick is to push a dispute just far enough to make your opponent cave in for fear of a court action , but not so far that it goes to court .
8 Virtually all the accounts we have suggest that the public schools , in spite of Arnold 's efforts , continued to exist in something not far removed from a Hobbesian state of nature — or rather , just far enough removed to allow for the development of tribal ritual .
9 Now locate the drilled side just a shade higher so that as you hammer the pin in place it moves down just far enough to produce a perfect joint .
10 Sink them just far enough to dimple but not fracture the paper surface
11 It is not necessary to pass the carriage all the way across the work — just far enough to clear the needles at the ‘ business ’ end .
12 What 's the point when a minor throng , just far enough outside London to be irritating , is hanging on his every word ?
13 You could see city below and you could hear anything big , but you were just far enough away to be able to sleep safely .
14 The probability is low for it to move a long distance at more than the speed of light , but it can go faster than light for just far enough to get out of the black hole , and then go slower than light .
15 The ludicrous premise the film establishes — a nice Mafia man drawn intuitively to some preppy WASP — is pushed just far enough to make this more than abject pap , while leading lady Penelope Ann Miller , as Sabatini 's daughter Tina , simply has the looks to pull her part off .
16 Just far enough for a tongue , large as a palm leaf , red as mahogany , to lick up a few errant feathers .
17 The ludicrous premise the film establishes — a nice Mafia man drawn intuitively to some preppy WASP — is pushed just far enough to make this more than abject pap , while leading lady Penelope Ann Miller , as Sabatini 's daughter Tina , simply has the looks to pull her part off .
18 Just far enough to get your earhole .
19 Steve refused to be drawn when Willie Carson set a suicidal pace on Jahafil , but was still far enough ahead of the others to have a winning lead off the final bend .
20 The Shetland Islands , the most northerly part of the United Kingdom at sixty degrees north , lie well south the true Arctic , but still far enough north that in midsummer the sun only sets for an hour or two .
21 In the meantime I suspect that the Rugby Union will soon have to acknowledge that they are not nearly far enough down the road with their new registration legislation to have a hope of implementing it on May 1 .
22 Unfortunately , this weighty tome does not go nearly far enough into this fascinating world of the interrelationships that ants have with the plants and other animals in their day-to-day business of running the world : Rather , we have a specialised symposium that concentrates on the largely negative aspects of viewing some of the world 's most fascinating species only as anthropogenic pests .
23 All these three new developments are in the direction which this book advocates , but they do not go nearly far enough .
24 Yet the redefinition of factors which need to be considered for a fuller understanding of politics and power have not gone nearly far enough : they are still confined to the world of public politics and the struggles for power in the public arena .
25 For while many Catalans may have felt that the Statute , especially in the financial sphere , went nowhere near far enough , the political right and much of the officer corps were incensed at what they considered the dismembering of the Spanish ‘ Fatherland ’ .
26 She shows how the individual ( artist ) can oppose corporate image-making by using what lies around at home , plus the traditional methods of parody , satire and humour : of taking an image " too far " or nowhere near far enough .
27 Does the right hon. Gentleman recognise that the figures that he has announced for training and education will go nowhere near far enough to fill the skills gap ?
28 You 're bound to go a little bit too far or not quite far enough .
29 Family run B/B close to the beach , shopping , entertainment and conference centres yet far enough away from the main road to avoid traffic noise .
30 It is a ledger , the size and solidity of an old-fashioned accounts book , with broken corners and an air of belonging to that grey period which is too far gone to be new but not yet far enough off to be old .
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