Example sentences of "[pers pn] promise you " in BNC.

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1 I 'm not trying to hurt you , I promise you .
2 ‘ It 's not what you 're thinking , Kathleen , I have n't done anything wrong — I promise you .
3 I 'm not expecting anything , I promise you . ’
4 ‘ Darling , I promise you ! ’
5 I promise you , you just wait and see .
6 ‘ Not this one , I promise you . ’
7 I promise you , Marie , he wo n't touch her .
8 I promise you .
9 ‘ Then may I have an undertaking that if I can manage to put on a show , a stupendous show — I promise you it will be — may I then retire from the post ?
10 I promise you , ’ she says , ‘ there is n't a woman who does n't come out of a bad divorce thinking the same thing . ’
11 I promise you wo n't get into trouble , ’ Mould pleaded .
12 And she loves him , I promise you .
13 Because I promise you , if you do that , on a live transmission like this has to be , you really will scupper yourself .
14 I am going to criticise modern farming methods , I promise you , but before I do it is also worth remembering that the primary beneficiary has been the consumer .
15 I am afraid it is tough ( at least at the beginning ) , as are all restricted diets , but I promise you , it does work !
16 What Epicurus could promise his friend I promise you , Lucilius .
17 I do n't know about the food , because I 'll have to cook it myself , but I promise you we wo n't gibber or wear paper caps .
18 It may take me a little longer but … ’ he smiled , and his confidence made her dislike him more than ever , ‘ I promise you I shall get there in the end . ’
19 But I promise you this , my girl , if you tell lies again , particularly spiteful ones , then I shall find some way of punishing you that you wo n't forget in a hurry .
20 I promise you … in two minutes the pain will be gone . ’
21 It will be more convenient , I promise you , than the alternative . ’
22 Yet there raged the good captain , demanding satisfaction over a minor matter of bread , when I promise you that the King will pay far less heed to my action than he will when he hears of yours .
23 I promise you that if you persevere with aerobic walking the psychological benefits alone will make you want to get out every day .
24 It 's very very lucky , I promise you . ’
25 I should be very proud — and very careful , I promise you .
26 Look , Neil , I promise you that libel action will never come to court . ’
27 I promise you 've got absolutely nothing to lose but your inches .
28 I promise you 'll be glad tomorrow .
29 No , I promise you , I 'm all right now .
30 I promise you it wo n't happen again . ’
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