Example sentences of "[pers pn] recalled how " in BNC.

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1 The big thermometer on the refuge wall read zero degrees C , and I recalled how cold it had been the night before during our four hour drive from Madrid .
2 I recalled how sane and healthy they were , and I contrasted them with the fiends with whom I had to deal in 1816 !
3 During her days on Neighbours , she recalled how people were only too willing to vent their jealousies publicly .
4 In this stillness she recalled how once she had so much loved sleep , half sleep , lying with Jack beside her , relaxing into sleep .
5 His cool irony brought swift colour to her cheeks as she recalled how furiously she had condemned him for doing just that .
6 Her expression was wistful , reminiscent , as she recalled how , once they had gone up endless stairs and were seated on the hard wooden benches , an attendant had come along and pushed them all closer and closer together so that as many spectators as possible could be packed in .
7 She recalled how she had steadied the block with one hand while pulling at the handle with the other , and how smoothly the blade had slid from its slot .
8 Once more she saw the attractive man she had noticed in the High Street , and her colour rose as she recalled how she had hoped to meet him some day .
9 Though , remembering that walk with him , she recalled how happy she had felt , and she wondered if that had been when she had started to fall in love with him .
10 Now he recalled how , on the second night after his mother had left home , he had climbed out of bed in the late evening and slipped unnoticed from the house to run over a mile to Bournemouth Central Railway Station to catch a train to nearby Christchurch , where his mother had gone to live with her sister .
11 He recalled how she had given a great deal of help to the group of residents who in 1981 formed Project ‘ 81 — now the Hampshire Centre for Independent Living — which developed a structure to enable disabled people to leave residential care and live in the community .
12 When he recalled how he had felt on first seeing her he had to push the sinful thoughts out of his mind .
13 He still had I am a Fugitive in mind and he recalled how in that ‘ job ’ ( in itself a revealing word ) ‘ every man and woman within a hundred yards of camera range is acting his head off , figuring that he is a Clark Gable , or a Garbo ! ’
14 He recalled how Burun had dissociated himself from acting as Artai 's sponsor .
15 He recalled how on one occasion when on a sea rescue in the English Channel a person obviously in fear of drowning was shouting for help .
16 He also felt rather sick when he recalled how in the ale house he had just left , he had seen a hen roosting on the brim of an uncovered beer tub .
17 He recalled how Rangers won earlier in the season at Parkhead after defeating Leeds in a European tie .
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