Example sentences of "[pers pn] realise [that] " in BNC.

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1 Not for a moment did I realise that we would be gone for almost three months , return home for nine months , and then spend one more month to finally finish in Australia !
2 It was only when I got on the ground and tried to walk did I realise that I had a bullet through the top of my right ankle .
3 There was something enthralling about this scene , the three girls in the circle of insect-laden light , so that I had n't wondered what she was doing and only now did I realise that the girl was a fortune-teller .
4 Little did I realise that I would end my ministerial career by spending much of my time on the Welsh Grand Committee .
5 ‘ I 've — finished with him , yes , ’ she told him stiffly , ‘ but only now do I realise that Travis will always be someone special for me . ’
6 Only when the head of accounting ( ’ an ‘ acceptable ’ woman 's role ’ ) took her to one side and showed her the company 's payroll did she realise that while she was bringing in the most revenue , she was being paid the smallest salary .
7 Did n't she realise that he saw through every trick she used .
8 Releasing a pent-up breath , only then did she realise that she was actually physically tingling from her encounter with the man who had called to collect Travis .
9 Only then did she realise that , her actions automatic that morning , she had forgotten to scrape her hair back in its comparatively recent workday knot .
10 Only when he stooped and some lire changed hands did she realise that he must be intending to walk back .
11 Only then did she realise that , for all she had been in his company for a total of several hours now , she still did n't know the first thing about him .
12 Did you realise that 43 per cent of all sociological surveys are carried out on the M1 , M4 and M6 ?
13 ‘ Do n't you realise that the enemy are only a few yards from these positions ?
14 ‘ Do n't you realise that it 's the last Christmas most of you in here are ever likely to see ? ’
15 Do you realise that the paint roller is a Canadian invention ?
16 We have all heard of the addiction caused by long-term taking of tranquillisers but did you realise that the effect of sleeping pills can last well into the following day and many antihistamines ( commonly taken to relieve colds or allergies ) can make you so drowsy that you should not drive for some hours after taking them ?
17 But did you realise that smoking can impair the blood which carries oxygen to the brain and therefore decrease mental efficiency ?
18 For example , did you realise that in all the other Star Treks the Klingons , a backward , confrontational brunch , represented the Soviets ?
19 But did you realise that you could be landed with a huge bill afterwards ?
20 It makes you realise that you do n't have to say too much ; a little is enough .
21 When will you realise that so-called ‘ funny-man ’ Vic Reeves is n't actually funny and see him for what he is — a talentless , dumb Northerner .
22 Young man , do you realise that Dinah Asshe is , or will be , the greatest Shakespearean actress since Ellen Terry , perhaps surpassing her ?
23 Do you realise that by simply replying to this letter , you could be giving yourself a tax free lump sum of up to £100,000 .
24 Do you realise that by simply replying to this letter , you could be giving yourself a tax free lump sum of up to £100,000 ?
25 When will you realise that your fans are the ones who keep your career alive ?
26 However , if you are a typical Piscean , then unexpected events or developments which took place around the time of the lunar eclipse in Aquarius on August 6th should have made you realise that you are now going through a phase when you must take certain drastic actions to safeguard your long-term comfort and security .
27 Do you realise that those four or five women from the RVH have been fighting since 1984 for some sort of fairness and equality in their pay ?
28 Only at the end of the story do you realise that his parents are separated or divorced and that the journey is to return the child to his mother after an access visit .
29 When will you realise that everything we have is at stake ?
30 ‘ Do you realise that you have this exasperating habit of never looking at one , Edward ? ’
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