Example sentences of "[pers pn] tried to find " in BNC.

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1 I tried to find a more comfortable position but there was n't one , really .
2 In the meantime I tried to find a home for Poppy to go to when ( or if ) we eventually caught her .
3 But she avoided my lips , so that I brushed her cheek , and as I tried to find her mouth she said , ‘ No , Kit .
4 I tried to find myself work ( such as washing dishes or mending clothes ) , where I could observe without being too noticeable .
5 I tried to find a method whereby I could seize the effect of motion … how to arrest a movement in a few bold strokes , catching the passing moment and finding new forms … my goal was always to express emotion and experience with large and simple forms and clear colours ’ .
6 On my return to London I tried to find out about the Ober Gabelhorn but there was little information readily available , apart from a couple of references to it as one of the great alpine peaks .
7 I tried to find the window of my room .
8 I tried to find it .
9 I tried to find out if there was any place in the hospital where they could have gone to weep and share their distress .
10 I knew him because he had been in Fontanellato for some months , and after wishing him buon giorno and so forth I tried to find out what his duties were and what was likely to happen to the prisoner .
11 I , I tried to find one that
12 I tried to find your boyfriend .
13 After the first few incidents I began to suspect there was a pattern , so I tried to find it .
14 I tried to find out — I may be forgiven — who would benefit from the theft of the jewel , and I learned from Mr Brown here ’ ( heads swivelling ) ‘ that Mrs Stratton was always slightly mysterious — ambivalent , even about her own financial affairs .
15 ‘ Dad , would you object if I tried to find Elaine ?
16 and when you try t in the past when I tried to find some way of imposing discipline , there is no way because quite rightly , you 're not allowed to strike children , I never wanted to and I I hardly ever did at one school where there was a marvellous spirit of give and take I used to whip off my little black velvet slipper occasionally and whack some of the larger boys about the top of the thigh .
17 Oh you know I tried to find out her phone yesterday
18 I tried to find that horse
19 Apart from a price list , so we had a price list , and I thought right so I went to a book shop and I tried to find a book on masks nothing .
20 She tried to find a moment to squeeze in a bit of rest at the sauna , something she could not do during the week ; in the late afternoon , she would always find herself with a vacuum cleaner and duster , because the cleaning woman who came on Fridays was becoming more and more careless .
21 From there she hopped to the pond at the back of the school , for she felt sure that she could hide safely there in the weeds and rushes while she tried to find some solution to her appalling problem .
22 She tried to find a way to explain without hurting him too much .
23 She tried to find herself on the map , but the printed boulevards and blocks writhed whenever she looked up at the street , making new patterns .
24 She tried to find the right words to explain but discovered only a great disconnection between her brain and her voice , which ensured her silence .
25 But as she reached him the vision shimmered and disappeared and she was alone , stumbling as she tried to find her way through the shadows of a forest , mist cloaking the branches of the trees .
26 Feeling surprised that she was no nearer solving the enigma of Mark Vila , she tried to find something to take her mind off things , toying with the idea of running a couple of black and white Marlene Dietrich movies , but a glance at her watch told her that it was already late in the afternoon .
27 She tried to find the words to tell him she did n't want to make love , to tell him she was totally opposed to such casual male dominance , but somehow they would n't come .
28 ‘ I 'd be very grateful , Mr O'Hara , ’ he said , ‘ if you tried to find out , discreetly , of course , who she 's calling .
29 Early one morning , we tried to find a clerk in a department that sprawls across a full floor .
30 On our way home we tried to find a Mothers Day card for Mark to send to his Mum , but I think all the Dalseattie shops must have the same supplier and sell those ghastly pink-ish cards with really crass ditties inside ugh .
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