Example sentences of "[noun pl] and failing " in BNC.

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1 Why are the Government sitting on their backsides and failing to see that they are paid now ?
2 As will be evident , it is my view that we have a choice between attempting to satisfy certain demands and failing to get hold of our subject-matter , or relaxing the demands and getting some hold on it .
3 Failing future generations and failing U K P L C. And I 'm sure you do n't want to leave that legacy any more than I do .
4 He did n't like the tedious business of routine , and rapidly became notorious in the group for missing meetings and failing to make appointments .
5 This prevents the skin from becoming too accustomed to the essences and failing to respond positively to them .
6 It is also possible that as teachers we assess bilingual children 's mathematical ability without reference to their first language , again creating lower expectations and failing to recognise the pupils ' full abilities by confusing fluency in English with mathematical competence .
7 The fashionable view of describing babies as dull and boring further adds to the young woman 's sense of wasting her abilities and failing to fulfil her potential , especially if she has enjoyed the benefits of higher education .
8 A scale of 1 — 5 is a good compromise between difficulty in making judgements and failing to differentiate between the importance of factors .
9 The policeman talked , the reporter trying to jog him into revelations and failing .
10 As each of the three variables seemed to be related to risk of relapse , it followed that those living in high contact with high EE relatives and failing to maintain prophylactic medication should be at greatest risk of relapse , while those living with low EE relatives and continuing to take their medication should have the lowest risk .
11 Acting through a second firm of lawyers , Jean-Jacques Walter has taken out proceedings against the French State in the European courts of Strasbourg and Luxemburg for violating the European Convention of Human Rights and failing to apply the Treaty of Rome .
12 Seb and Antony were looking at the horses dubiously , trying to see past glories and failing .
13 Here were a team either playing to a manager 's orders and failing woefully , or simply not playing for him .
14 He accused Clarke of failing to fund the science base properly , suppressing the advice of the Advisory Board to the Research Councils , neglecting the supply of science teachers and failing to provide a European dimension .
15 These days the greying hair , spreading waists and failing sight are accompanied by a new generation ; their children .
16 In old age he maintained a relish for life in defiance of tribulations and failing health , and his geniality and goodness made him the centre of a circle of faithful friends and admirers .
17 It looked to have been wasted for good in 1990 when , after struggling to overcome injuries and failing exams , he packed up and returned home to Teesside .
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