Example sentences of "[Wh det] required a " in BNC.

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1 ( Take care in planning a walking tour : one guy we talked to came across an impossible cliff which required a two-day detour . )
2 Sometimes , of course , all that had arisen was a lump of anxiety in her throat at being interrupted for so long in the middle of work which required a high degree of concentration and often had to be done to a deadline .
3 A pedagogy which aimed at teaching the functional potential of grammar along the lines I have described , would have to get learners to engage in problem-solving tasks which required a gradual elaboration of grammar to service an increasing precision in the identification of relevant features of context .
4 Another area of difficulty was the elimination in the group statement of the considerable inter-group business , which required a lot of detailed workings .
5 The firm finally settled on a shell which required a complete internal fit — from putting in offices , loos and kitchens , to carpeting and heating .
6 In fact the whole exercise was fairly straightforward , except for one problem which required a one-off solution .
7 I said I wanted it for an amateur production of James Saunders A Scent of Flowers — a play I knew well and which required a coffin to be positioned downstage during the entire action .
8 Nurse banks originated in hospitals which required a pool of available trained staff from which to draw in times of staff shortage .
9 Elsewhere around the country Dorset side West Hants more or less sealed the Area 8 title with an eleventh hour 2–1 away win over Team Excel — which required a final doubles rubber tie-break to separate the sides .
10 From this small dukedom he managed to prosper , employed as he was in a business which required a few choice contacts , a nose for the changing taste of his market , and an ability to conceal his pleasure at his achievements .
11 The nature of arable farming , which required a large labour force to tend the crop , conferred upon rural society a rigid social hierarchy .
12 The character of free-standing sculpture , so noticeable in the figures of the east , is abandoned in the chariot-teams , where the near horse alone is carved in full , heads and necks of the others being attached to it in a kind of receding relief ; but this was a special problem which required a special solution .
13 But new problems appeared which required a more positive approach on the part of the government , and this threw the the problem of regional discrepancies in the different levels of wages , unemployment and emigration north and south of a line drawn across England at about York .
14 The next development was of those which required a larger number of people to build them and became corporate activities and into which the community cattle and goods could be taken and defended .
15 The next development was of those which required a larger number of people to build them and became corporate activities and into which the community cattle and goods could be taken and defended .
16 He organized the horseless carriage exhibition — the first motor show in England — in Tunbridge Wells in 1895 , and was said to have written 56,000 letters in the campaign to abolish the legal anomaly which required a man with a red flag to walk in front of what was classified as a ‘ locomotive ’ at no more than four miles per hour .
17 Therefore , whilst in theory the compact could be approved by a simple majority , in practice it required the removal of the anti-nuclear clauses from the Constitution , a process which required a 75 per cent vote in its favour .
18 The reform , which required a two-thirds majority in parliament , would allow a new government a period of 18 months to establish its programme and policies before it could be subject to a confidence motion .
19 Although a compact of free association was signed in 1982 between Belau and the USA , it could not be implemented until the territory altered its Constitution ( which required a 75 per cent vote in favour in a referendum ) to rescind the clauses which banned the entry , storage or disposal of nuclear , chemical or biological weapons .
20 By using a federal regulation rather than the independent counsel statute ( which required a panel of judges to choose the appointee ) , Barr also ensured that he alone could choose the investigator .
21 To take a case from the motoring sphere , supposing one wished to exclude vehicles above a certain length from a residential street ; would the ordinary motorist tolerate a barrier which required a complex reversing manoevre ?
22 Among the extra work which required a special piece of plant to be brought onto the site for one week and then returned 200 miles , there must be some extra work which just happens to be within the scope of a piece of plant which is already on site which would otherwise have been idle during the week in question .
23 This woman aged 30 years presented in 1990 with an ileocolic intussusception which required a limited right hemicolectomy .
24 The structure plans tended to be based on a survey — analysis — plan approach which required a rather determinist view of the issues which they examined . ’
25 The Saro London was designed to Air Ministry Specification R24/31 which required a twin-engined open-sea reconnaissance and coastal patrol flying-boat .
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